The specific code to jump to the page through the prompt box is as follows:
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <script> window.onload = function(){ //设置当页面加载时执行 var btn =document.getElementsByTagName("button")[] //获取btn元素 btn.onclick = function(){ //给button加上一个点击事件 var answer = confirm("是否想游览ziksang博客园") //把确认框赋值给answer if(answer) //判断是否点击确定 window.location ="" //确定的话游览器自身跳转 } } </script> <button>点击跳转</button> </body> </html>
The following will introduce you to several common js ways to implement page jumps
First type:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> window.location.href="login.jsp?backurl="+window.location.href; </script>
Second type:
<script language="javascript"> alert("返回"); window.history.back(-1); </script>
Third type:
<script language="javascript"> window.navigate("top.jsp"); </script>
The fourth type:
<script language="JavaScript"> self.location='top.htm'; </script>
The fifth type:
<script language="javascript"> alert("非法访问!"); top.location='xx.jsp'; </script>
Then I will introduce to you several ways to use pop-up windows in js to achieve page jumps
The first method: Pop up the selection box to jump to other pages
<script language="javascript"> <!-- function logout(){ if (confirm("你确定要注销身份吗?是-选择确定,否-选择取消"))...{ window.location.href="/logout.asp?act=logout" } } --> </script> <input type="button" onclick="logout()" value="注销"/>
Second type: Pop up prompt box to jump to other pages
<script language="javascript"> <!-- function logout(){ alert("你确定要注销身份吗?"); window.location.href="/logout.asp?act=logout" } --> </script> <input type="button" onclick="logout()" value="注销"/>
The page automatically jumps to other pages
Just add one line of code to the page
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5; url=" />
Among them, the 5 in content="5; url=" means jumping after 5 seconds and can be directly set to 0
This code is mostly used for page jumps when users log in
Put onClick=""Submit.html")"
changed to