I have been learning CSS and JS recently and can now understand and write simple codes. I think I should find more examples or projects to consolidate them. Are there any good books or resources you would recommend?
It’s so awesome, I just received 340 e-books related to html, css, asp, and php , the link to receive it is: http://user.qzone.qq.com/2478059326/blog/1435388294
Advertisement! CSS Zen Garden (Revised Edition)
For js, you can read "Sharp jQuery".
When you read a book, you might as well imitate other people's websites and write. There are no examples. What's it for? You can imitate a few websites and that's it.
Is it for R&D or application? ? For research and development, simulate website building, and for application, download and modify. . . .
w3cschool has a lot of examples, you can refer to and learn
Web front-end development tutorial series-2 - Front-end development book sharing
Here are some, let’s take a look, there is an introduction to the book, Reasons for recommendation, order of advancement, etc. The disadvantage is that no new books have been added, but the advantage is: it is enough for getting started.