1. Concept: It is a computer language used to express file styles such as HTML (an application of Standard Generalized Markup Language) or XML (a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language
2. Features: 1. Separate web content and style
2. Reduce the use of graphic files.
3. Centrally manage style information.
4. Share style settings.
5. Classify styles and use them.
3. Selector priority: ID selector > class selector > HTML tag selector (body)
4. Core content:
1. Standard flow (arrangement): The standard flow is the arrangement of tags.
For example,blue
2. Box model: often used in web design A mental model used by CSS technology.
requirements), box floating and positioning are used.
Float left (float: trun;), float right (float: left;), so that subsequent boxes are not affected by the previous floating box (clear: both;); positioning (position: static (static), relative ( Relative), absolute (absolute), fixed (fixed))4. Block-level elements (this row has a background color), inline elements (the content in this row has a background color) 1. Block-level elements: such as:
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