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Release: 2016-06-24 11:41:45
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1. Introduction to floating


The floating attribute was originally created to achieve the "text wrapping" effect, allowing text to wrap around the image on the web page to achieve a similar "image and text mixing" in word. Row".

Positioning method:

Floating allows the element to break away from the normal flow and move to the left or right of the parent container until it hits the edge of the containing container [stops when it hits padding after testing] or hits other Floating elements. Text and inline elements will wrap around the floated element.


1. The edge that touches the container refers to the padding inner edge of the container.

Example verification:

<style>.container{    border: 1px solid green;    padding: 30px;    background-color: green;/*将背景裁剪到内容框,方便看浮动元素效果*/    background-clip: content-box;}.fl{    float: left;}</style><div class="container">    文字会环绕在图片周围文字会环绕在图片周围文字会环绕在图片周围文字会环绕在图片周围    <img class="fl" src="img/wb.jpg"></div>
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2. Floating elements are out of the normal flow, which means that the following elements are laid out When it doesn't exist (the text still exists, wrapped around it), but still in the dom tree.

3. If you set the element to float through element.style in js, you need to use cssFloat, because float is a keyword in js. [StyleFloat is used for IE8 and below browsers]

is as follows:

<style>#father{    border:1px solid red;}#test{  background-color: green;  /*float: left;*/    }</style><div id="father"><span id="test">span内容</span></div><script type="text/javascript">    var oSpan=document.getElementById("test");    oSpan.style["cssFloat" in oSpan.style? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"]="left";</script>
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Floating effects: wrapping and destructiveness, are introduced one by one below.

2. Wrapping

Wrapping: This word was summarized by others, and I personally think it is summarized just right.

Wrapping means that the size of the element just fits the content.

Other properties with wrapping properties:

  • display:inline-block/table-cell/...
  • position:absolute/fixed/sticky
  • overflow:hidden/scroll
  • 1. Take an example to see the wrapperity of floating


    <style>.container{    border: 1px solid green;    padding: 30px;    background-color: green;    background-clip: content-box;/*将背景裁剪到内容框,方便看浮动元素效果*/}.fl{    float: left;}</style><div class="container fl">内容</div>
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    2. The principle of wrapping

    The reason why floating produces the effect of wrapping is because the float attribute will change the final calculated value of the element's display attribute .

    The display attribute before setting float??》The calculated value of display attribute after setting float

  • inline??》block
  • inline-block??》block
  • inline-table??》table
  • table-row??》block
  • table-row-group??》block
  • table-column??》 block
  • table-column-group??》block
  • table-caption??》block
  • table-header-group??》block
  • table-footer-group??》blcok
  • flex??》flex
  • inline-flex??》inline-flex [inline-flex is tested under chrome, display: flex after float]
  • other??》unchanged
  • After my test, only the display calculation value of inline-flex changes to flex after it floats under chrome, and everything else is the same. Interested friends can test it by themselves.

    Here is a very simple test method for you: for example, to test inline-flex, you can choose any label. Here I use the span label, set the display attribute to inline-flex, and then set float:left. In the style option of the chrome console, check that the display attribute is inline-flex. Switch to the computed option to check that the display attribute is flex, as shown below. Testing other values ​​can be edited and viewed directly in the console.

    <style>.test{background-color: green;display:inline-flex;float: left;    }</style><span class="test">span内容</span>
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    You can use the wrapping property of float to achieve the adaptive internal element width of the parent container.

    3. Destructiveness

    Here destructiveness means that after the element floats, it may cause the parent element to collapse highly.

    Other destructive properties:

  • display:none
  • position:absolute/fixed/sticky
  • Floating destructive principle:

    Because the floating element is removed from the normal flow of the document, the parent element is of course still in the normal flow, so the parent element cannot be expanded by the floating element.

    4. Clear floats

    1. clear attribute

    The clear attribute specifies which side of the element is not allowed to have other floating elements.


  • left: no floating elements are allowed on the left side of the element
  • right: no floating elements are allowed on the right side of the element
  • both: elements Floating elements are not allowed on the left and right sides
  • none: Default value, floating elements are allowed to appear on both sides
  • Specific principle: Add clear space above the upper margin of the element, such as clearing the left Floating will cause the top margin of the element to be just below the bottom margin of the floated element on the left.

    There are two main methods for clearing floats

  • Sibling elements set clear:both
  • The parent element generates BFC (IE8) or haslayout (IE6/IE7)
  • Detailed analysis below.

    2. Method 1: Set clear:both for sibling elements

    The clear:both method also has the following methods.

    a. Commonly used methods at the html level

  • Set clear on an empty div element: both
  • The clear attribute of the br tag
  • Example:

    <style>.wrap{    background-color: green;}.fl{    float: left;}</style><div class="wrap"><img class="fl" src="img/wb.jpg" /><div style=" clear:both;margin-bottom:50px;">兄弟元素设置clear:both</div></div><p style="margin-top: 50px;">兄弟元素设置clear:both来清除浮动会有margin重叠现象</p>
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    Use this method to clear floats. One thing to note is that the margin overlaps, because clearing floating elements and dividing Elements other than floating elements are still in the same BFC.

    Code level issues:

  • 用标签来实现样式效果,不符合结构表现分离原则。标签复用变难。
  • 标签没有任何语义
  • 这样写代码不专业
  • 将来有其他清除浮动的方法,你必须回头删掉所以分散在html页面中的
  • b、父元素添加 after 伪元素



    代码如下:after在父元素底部生成一个具有clear:both 声明的伪元素来清除浮动。

    .clearfix::before,.clearfix::after{    content: ".";    display: block;    height: 0;    overflow: hidden;}.clearfix:after{    clear: both;}.clearfix {    zoom: 1; /* IE < 8 */}
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    <style>.wrap{    background-color: green;}.fl{    float: left;}.clearfix::before,.clearfix::after{    content: ".";    display: block;    height: 0;    overflow: hidden;}.clearfix:after{    clear: both;}</style><div class="wrap clearfix"><img class="fl" src="img/wb.jpg" /><div >    父元素的::after伪元素并不是浮动元素【在这里是图片】的相邻的兄弟元素,就达不到清除浮动的效果父元素的::after伪元素并不是浮动元素【在这里是图片】的相邻的兄弟元素,就达不到清除浮动的效果父元素的::after伪元素并不是浮动元素【在这里是图片】的相邻的兄弟元素,就达不到清除浮动的效果</div></div>
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    支持浏览器: Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+, Chrome, Opera 9+, IE 6+

    /** * For modern browsers * 1. The space content is one way to avoid an Opera bug when the *    contenteditable attribute is included anywhere else in the document. *    Otherwise it causes space to appear at the top and bottom of elements *    that are clearfixed. * 2. The use of `table` rather than `block` is only necessary if using *    `:before` to contain the top-margins of child elements. */.cf:before,.cf:after {    content: " ";    display: table; }.cf:after {    clear: both;}/* IE < 8 *//** * For IE 6/7 only * Include this rule to trigger hasLayout and contain floats. */.cf {    *zoom: 1;}
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    .container:after {  content:"";  display:table;  clear:both;}
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    BFC:块级格式化上下文【在css3中叫Flow Root】是一个独立布局环境,相邻盒子margin垂直方向会重叠。


  • 浮动元素,即float:left|right
  • 绝对定位元素,即position:absolute|fixed
  • 块容器【block containers】(比如inline-blocks,table-cells和table-captions),这些块容器有个特征就是它们不是块级盒子【block boxes】。即display:table-cell|table-caption|inline-block
  • 设置了除visible外的overflow值的块盒子【blok boxes】,即overflow:hidden|scroll|auto
  • BFC特性:

  • 创建了BFC的元素中,子浮动元素也会参与高度计算
  • 与浮动元素相邻的、创建了BFC的元素,都不能与浮动元素相互覆盖
  • 创建了BFC的元素不会与它们的子元素margin重叠
  • 4、方法二:父元素生成BFC(IE8+) 或haslayout(IE6/IE7)



  • 浮动父元素(触发 BFC)
  • overflow: hidden (触发 BFC)
  • display: table或table-cells;(触发 BFC,display:table 本身并不产生 BFC,而是由它产生匿名框,匿名框中包含 "display:table-cell" 的框会产 BFC)
  • 举例:父元素使用overflow:hidden生成一个BFC来清除浮动。

    <style>.wrap{    background-color: green;    overflow: hidden;}.fl{    float: left;}</style><div class="wrap"><img class="fl" src="img/wb.jpg" /><div style=" margin-bottom:50px;">浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容浮动元素的兄弟元素的内容</div></div><p style="margin-top: 50px;">浮动元素父元素的兄弟元素内容</p>
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    overflow: hidden;使得包含图片的div生成BFC,所以里面内容元素与外面包含文字的div的margin不会重叠,如上图。







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    <style type="text/css">  body{    width: 600px;  }  .left{    width: 150px; float: left;   }.right { width: 450px; float: right; }  </style><body>  <div class="left">    <img src="img/wb.jpg"/>  </div>  <div class="right">    文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容  </div></body>
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    <style type="text/css">  .left{    width: 150px; float: left;   }  /*流体布局*/.right { margin-left: 150px;}  </style>
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    <style type="text/css">.right{float: right;width: 150px;}.left{margin-right: 150px;}  </style></head><body><div  class="right"><img  src="img/wb.jpg"></div><div class="left">文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容</div></body>
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    <style type="text/css">.wrap {  width: 100%;  float: left;}.left {  margin-right: 150px;}.right {  width: 150px;  float: left;  margin-left: -150px;}  </style><body><div class="wrap">    <div class="left">    文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容    </div></div><div  class="right">    <img  src="img/wb.jpg"></div></body>
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    <style type="text/css">.left {  float: left;}.right{   display: table-cell; }  </style><body> <div class="left">    <img src="img/wb.jpg"/>  </div>  <div class="right">    文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容文本内容  </div></body>
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  • 文档流:浮动元素脱离正常流,让文字环绕。inline-block仍然在正常流中。
  • 水平位置:不能通过给父元素设置text-align:center让浮动元素无法水平居中【因为脱离文档流】,而inline-block可以。
  • 垂直对齐:浮动元素紧贴顶部,inline-block默认基线对齐,可通过vertical-align调整。
  • 空白:浮动忽略空白元素彼此紧靠,inline-block保留空白。
  • 举例:浮动布局可以去掉元素之间的空格,而inline-block会保留空格。

    <style>button {    margin: 0;    float: left;}p {    clear: both;}</style></head><body>    <button>按钮1</button>    <button>按钮2</button>    <button>按钮3</button>    <button>按钮4</button></body>
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