Introduction to web fonts and common font settings for web pages
Web font settings are different from graphic design and other media designs, with more artistic fonts to choose from.
Because in web design, never assume that the fonts you use are available on the client’s computer. To make our web pages look consistent on the vast majority of our visitors' computers. You must use fonts that are available on most visitors' computers.
The fonts in the web page are set through css, such as: font-family:'Microsoft Yahei',"simsun"; It means to find Microsoft Yahei first, if not, use Song Dynasty. Of course, if your The client is a Windows Chinese user and Song Ti is the default font. At this time, font-family:'Microsoft Yahei', "simsun"; and font-family:'Microsoft Yahei'; are equivalent. If the Microsoft Yahei font cannot be found, the default Song font will be used.
/*网页字体参考font-family:"simsun";font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,STHeiti;font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman","simsun";font-family:'Microsoft YaHei UI','Microsoft YaHei',DengXian,SimSun,'Segoe UI',Tahoma,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-family:'Hiragino Sans GB','Microsoft Yahei',SimSun,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,STHeiti;font-family:"ff-tisa-web-pro-1","ff-tisa-web-pro-2","Lucida Grande","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,"Hiragino Sans GB","Hiragino Sans GB W3","Microsoft YaHei UI","Microsoft YaHei","WenQuanYi Micro Hei",sans-serif*/
The following fonts are often used:
font-family:'Hiragino Sans GB','Microsoft Yahei',"WenQuanYi Micro Hei",SimSun,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica ,STHeiti;
These web fonts are "Apple Black Font" (this is used on Apple series devices), Microsoft Yahei, Wenquanyi (Fine) Micron Black Font, Song Dynasty, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Apple bold font (this is used on Apple series devices)
How to choose a web font?
It is recommended to use Microsoft Yaheiti. If it is numbers or letters, you can try to use English fonts Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica. Taking into account Apple series devices, add a 'Hiragino Sans GB', STHeiti
Microsoft Yahei will not look good if it is a small font size, but it will look better if it is a large font size. Yahei fonts will not look good if they are bolded, but large fonts will look better if they are not bolded.
Boldface fonts are also available on Chinese Windows computers, but try not to use boldface fonts. Boldface fonts can be used to bold a small amount of titles .
Do not use other fonts other than the web fonts introduced above.