$(".pe_xgtxB_r span").css("style","background:url(" json.path '190x190' json.localName ") no-repeat");
Why can't I give this SPAN? I imported this picture with json.path '190x190' json.localName spelled out to be the location of my picture
Please define the splicing path separately
var newUrl= json.path+'190x190'+json.localName;alert(newUrl);$(".pe_xgtxB_r span").css("background-image", newUrl);
$(".pe_xgtxB_r span").attr("style","background:url(" json.path '190x190' json.localName ") no-repeat");
$(".pe_xgtxB_r span").css({"background-image":"url(" json.path '190x190' json.localName ")","background -repeat":"no-repeat"});
It works well on both the 1st and 2nd floors