1. Comment specifications
1. Comments at the top of the file (recommended)
Css code
2. Module comments
Module comments must be written on a separate line
Css code
3. Single-line comments and multi-line comments
Single-line comments can be written on a single line or at the end of the line. The length of each line in the comment No more than 40 Chinese characters, or 80 English characters.
Css code
Multi-line comments must be written in separate lines
Css code
4. Special comments
Used to mark modifications, to-do and other information
Css code
5. Block comments
Comment on a code block Optionally, block the style statement and comment it on a new line.
Css code
2. Coding specifications
1. Replace the tab key with (required) four spaces
2. Add ";" (required) 🎜>
Convenient compression tool for "sentence segmentation".
3. Capital letters are (not allowed) to appear in the Class name, and "-" is (must) be used to separate the letters in the class, such as:
/* 正确的写法 */ .hotel-title { font-weight: bold; } /* 不推荐的写法 */ .hotelTitle { font-weight: bold; }
4. Use of spaces, The following rules (must be) implemented:
.hotel-content { font-weight: bold; }
5. Line breaks (must) between multiple selector rules
When the style targets multiple selectors, each selector occupies one line
/* 推荐的写法 */ a.btn, input.btn, input[type="button"] { ...... }
6. (Prohibited) Writing the style as a single line, such as
.hotel-content {margin: 10px; background-color: #efefef;}
7. (Prohibited) Adding units after 0, such as:
.obj { left: 0px;}
8. (Prohibited) Using css native import
Using css native import has many disadvantages, such as increasing Number of requests, etc....
9. Don’t change site-wide CSS and general CSS libraries easily. After changes are made, they must be thoroughly tested. 8. Avoid using filters
10. 避免在CSS中使用expression
11. 避免过小的背景图片平铺,小图片(必须)sprite 合并
12. 层级(z-index)必须清晰明确,页面弹窗、气泡为最高级(最高级为999),不同弹窗气泡之间可在三位数之间调整;普通区块为10-90内10的倍数;区块展开、弹出为当前父层级上个位增加,禁止层级间盲目攀比。
13. 背景图片请尽可能使用sprite技术, 减小http请求, 考虑到多人协作开发, sprite按照模块、业务、页面来划分均可。
14. (推荐)属性的书写顺序, 举个例子:
.hotel-content { /* 定位 */ display: block; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; /* 盒模型 */ width: 50px; height: 50px; margin: 10px; border: 1px solid black; / *其他* / color: #efefef; }
15. (推荐)当编写针对特定html结构的样式时,使用元素名 + 类名
/* 所有的nav都是针对ul编写的 */ ul.nav { ...... }
".a div"和".a div.b",为什么后者好?如果需求有所变化,在".a"下有多加了一个div,试问,开始的样式是不是会影响后来的div啊~
16. (推荐)IE Hack List
/* 针对ie的hack */ selector { property: value; /* 所有浏览器 */ property: value\9; /* 所有IE浏览器 */ property: value\0; /* IE8 */ +property: value; /* IE7 */ _property: value; /* IE6 */ *property: value; /* IE6-7 */ }
17. (不推荐)ie使用filter,( 禁止)使用expression
18. (禁止)使用行内(inline)样式
<p style="font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF">靖鸣君</p>
.hide { display: none;}
19. (推荐)reset.css样式
/*别这样写*/* { margin: 0; padding: 0;}
21. 链接的样式,(务必)按照这个顺序来书写
a:link -> a:visited -> a:hover -> a:active