When we use CSS3 animations, we often discuss how to use practical methods to create transitions, animations, etc. However, the power of animation is not focused on how a single animation works, but how multiple animations are combined to create stunning effects. Good animation design can make our work stand out.
Disney’s 12 Basic Principles of Animation defines “charm” as “the captivating quality of an actor.” It describes how to use reality, style, and animated substance to superimpose to create vivid characters that make The audience found it real and interesting.
It is a technology that has been applied to stripes and made a huge impact. Stripe is a payment processor and provides tools to embed payment forms on websites. The forms are beautifully designed, especially the animations used.
In this article, I will discuss how to combine multiple animations to achieve the effect of 1 1 greater than 2, and demonstrate how to use this knowledge in practice.
In this example, we will use animation to show the user with details and links to their website or other social account.
See the Pen Adding Appeal to Your Animations on the Web by Tuts (@tutsplus) on CodePen.
When the button is pressed, it will dynamically pop up a card. Instead of just using a normal modal window, we'll use animations to make it more interesting.
To make it attractive, I used several animations. Each section's animation introduces each element in sequence. This helps the viewer understand that they have pressed, and the sequence of content and animation helps draw the viewer’s eye to subsequent icons.
Before starting the animation, we need a button. When pressed, the card will be displayed. The card will be hidden the first time the content appears.
<button class="show-card"> <img src="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/853536?v=3&s=48"> Press here </button> <article class="card"> <section class="close"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M31.708 25.708c-0-0-0-0-0-0l-9.708-9.708 9.708-9.708c0-0 0-0 0-0 0.105-0.105 0.18-0.227 0.229-0.357 0.133-0.356 0.057-0.771-0.229-1.057l-4.586-4.586c-0.286-0.286-0.702-0.361-1.057-0.229-0.13 0.048-0.252 0.124-0.357 0.228 0 0-0 0-0 0l-9.708 9.708-9.708-9.708c-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.105-0.104-0.227-0.18-0.357-0.228-0.356-0.133-0.771-0.057-1.057 0.229l-4.586 4.586c-0.286 0.286-0.361 0.702-0.229 1.057 0.049 0.13 0.124 0.252 0.229 0.357 0 0 0 0 0 0l9.708 9.708-9.708 9.708c-0 0-0 0-0 0-0.104 0.105-0.18 0.227-0.229 0.357-0.133 0.355-0.057 0.771 0.229 1.057l4.586 4.586c0.286 0.286 0.702 0.361 1.057 0.229 0.13-0.049 0.252-0.124 0.357-0.229 0-0 0-0 0-0l9.708-9.708 9.708 9.708c0 0 0 0 0 0 0.105 0.105 0.227 0.18 0.357 0.229 0.356 0.133 0.771 0.057 1.057-0.229l4.586-4.586c0.286-0.286 0.362-0.702 0.229-1.057-0.049-0.13-0.124-0.252-0.229-0.357z" fill="#aaa"></path> </svg> </section> <section class="details"> <h2 class="name">Donovan Hutchinson</h2> <p class="description">Donovan is a Dublin-based front-end developer with a passion for CSS, animation and making the web fun.</p> </section> <section class="headshot"> <img src="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/853536?v=3&s=280"> </section> <section class="icon-bar"> <ul> <li> <a href="http://cssanimation.rocks"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M32 19l-6-6v-9h-4v5l-6-6-16 16v1h4v10h10v-6h4v6h10v-10h4z" fill="#fff"></path> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://twitter.com/cssanimation"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M32 6.076c-1.177 0.522-2.443 0.875-3.771 1.034 1.355-0.813 2.396-2.099 2.887-3.632-1.269 0.752-2.674 1.299-4.169 1.593-1.198-1.276-2.904-2.073-4.792-2.073-3.626 0-6.565 2.939-6.565 6.565 0 0.515 0.058 1.016 0.17 1.496-5.456-0.274-10.294-2.888-13.532-6.86-0.565 0.97-0.889 2.097-0.889 3.301 0 2.278 1.159 4.287 2.921 5.465-1.076-0.034-2.088-0.329-2.974-0.821-0.001 0.027-0.001 0.055-0.001 0.083 0 3.181 2.263 5.834 5.266 6.437-0.551 0.15-1.131 0.23-1.73 0.23-0.423 0-0.834-0.041-1.235-0.118 0.835 2.608 3.26 4.506 6.133 4.559-2.247 1.761-5.078 2.81-8.154 2.81-0.53 0-1.052-0.031-1.566-0.092 2.905 1.863 6.356 2.95 10.064 2.95 12.076 0 18.679-10.004 18.679-18.68 0-0.285-0.006-0.568-0.019-0.849 1.283-0.926 2.396-2.082 3.276-3.398z" fill="#fff"></path> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="https://github.com/cssanimation"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M0 17.388c0 1.45 0.136 2.762 0.407 3.935s0.647 2.193 1.127 3.059 1.090 1.627 1.831 2.285c0.741 0.657 1.544 1.195 2.41 1.612s1.854 0.756 2.965 1.017c1.111 0.261 2.245 0.443 3.403 0.548s2.431 0.156 3.818 0.156c1.398 0 2.676-0.052 3.834-0.156s2.295-0.287 3.411-0.548 2.11-0.6 2.981-1.017c0.871-0.417 1.68-0.954 2.425-1.612s1.361-1.419 1.846-2.285 0.863-1.886 1.134-3.059c0.271-1.174 0.407-2.486 0.407-3.935 0-2.587-0.866-4.825-2.597-6.713 0.094-0.25 0.18-0.535 0.258-0.853s0.151-0.772 0.219-1.361c0.068-0.589 0.042-1.27-0.078-2.042s-0.342-1.56-0.665-2.363l-0.235-0.047c-0.167-0.031-0.441-0.023-0.822 0.024s-0.824 0.141-1.33 0.282c-0.506 0.141-1.158 0.412-1.956 0.814s-1.64 0.905-2.527 1.51c-1.523-0.417-3.615-0.626-6.275-0.626-2.65 0-4.736 0.209-6.259 0.626-0.887-0.605-1.734-1.108-2.543-1.51s-1.453-0.673-1.933-0.814c-0.48-0.141-0.928-0.232-1.346-0.274s-0.681-0.055-0.79-0.039-0.196 0.034-0.258 0.055c-0.323 0.803-0.545 1.591-0.665 2.363s-0.146 1.453-0.078 2.042 0.141 1.043 0.219 1.361c0.078 0.318 0.164 0.602 0.258 0.853-1.732 1.888-2.598 4.126-2.598 6.713zM3.928 21.315c0-1.502 0.683-2.879 2.050-4.131 0.407-0.376 0.881-0.66 1.424-0.853s1.155-0.302 1.839-0.329c0.683-0.026 1.338-0.021 1.964 0.016s1.398 0.086 2.316 0.149c0.918 0.063 1.711 0.094 2.379 0.094s1.46-0.031 2.378-0.094c0.918-0.063 1.69-0.112 2.316-0.149s1.28-0.042 1.964-0.016c0.683 0.026 1.296 0.136 1.839 0.329s1.017 0.477 1.424 0.853c1.367 1.231 2.050 2.608 2.050 4.131 0 0.897-0.112 1.693-0.337 2.386s-0.511 1.275-0.861 1.745-0.834 0.868-1.455 1.197c-0.621 0.329-1.226 0.582-1.815 0.759s-1.346 0.316-2.269 0.415c-0.923 0.099-1.747 0.159-2.472 0.18s-1.646 0.031-2.762 0.031-2.037-0.010-2.762-0.031c-0.725-0.021-1.549-0.081-2.472-0.18s-1.68-0.237-2.269-0.415c-0.589-0.177-1.194-0.43-1.815-0.759s-1.106-0.728-1.455-1.197c-0.349-0.469-0.636-1.051-0.861-1.745s-0.336-1.489-0.336-2.386zM20 21c0-1.657 0.895-3 2-3s2 1.343 2 3c0 1.657-0.895 3-2 3s-2-1.343-2-3zM8 21c0-1.657 0.895-3 2-3s2 1.343 2 3c0 1.657-0.895 3-2 3s-2-1.343-2-3z" fill="#fff"></path> </svg> </a> </li> </section> </article>
A button is an image and some text. When pressed, it displays the card. The card is made up of four sections, the close button, a details section, the avatar and the icon bar containing the social icons. In this example, we use inline SVG from the Entypo collection.
Before getting into animation, let’s add some button and memory card styles. First is the button:
.show-card { background: #fff; border-radius: 4em; border: 0.25em solid #1fa756; color: #1fa756; font-size: 18px; left: 50%; line-height: 1.5; padding: 1em 1em 1em 4em; position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); outline: none; }.show-card img { border-radius: 50%; left: 0.3em; position: absolute; top: 0.25em; width: 3em; }
Note: We have added a statement outline: none; to the .show-card element because some browsers will add an extra box to the object in the focused state. . (This is what we don’t want to see)
Then, we add styles to the various parts of the card.
.card { bottom: calc(50% - 8em); display: none; height: 16em; left: calc(50% - 10em); position: absolute; transition: all 0.4s 0.4s cubic-bezier(.5,.2,.43,1.33); width: 20em; }.close { color: #aaa; cursor: pointer; height: 1em; opacity: 0; position: absolute; right: 0.5em; top: 0.5em; width: 1em; z-index: 10; }.details { position: absolute; bottom: 2.5em; background: #fff; border-radius: 0.25em; height: 0; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; width: 20em; }.name { color: #333; font-weight: bold; margin: 3em 0 0; opacity: 0; }.description { color: #666; font-size: 1em; font-weight: 200; line-height: 1.5; margin: 0.75em 2em 2em; opacity: 0; }.headshot img { border-radius: 50%; border: 0.5em solid #fff; display: block; height: 6em; margin: -3em auto 0.5em; opacity: 0; width: 6em; }.icon-bar { background: #1fa756; border-radius: 0.25em; left: -1em; position: absolute; right: -1em; top: 13em; }.icon-bar ul { display: flex; flex-display: column; flex-wrap: nowrap; padding: 0; }.icon-bar li { display: inline-block; font-size: 2em; opacity: 0; padding: 0 1em; width: 33%; }.icon-bar a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; }
Please note that here we set card display: none. We will then use JavaScript to control how it displays.
We agreed not to use CSS. Here we first write the basic actions to display and hide contact information. Then use a small piece of JavaScript (jQuery is used here) code to add and delete corresponding classes based on the clicked object.
// Show the card on clicking the button$('.show-card').click(function(e) { $('.card').addClass('show').css('display', 'block'); $('.show-card').addClass('hide');});// Hide the card on clicking the "x"$('.card .close').click(function(e) { $('.card').css('display', 'none');});
Now, if nothing else happens, we should be able to use the CSS display attribute to control the display and hiding of cards.
Examples of show and hide are here:
See the Pen Basic JS show/hide by Tuts (@tutsplus) on CodePen.
With the previous preparations, we also need to add some additional styles to hide various elements.
.close, .name, .description, .headshot img, .icon-bar li { opacity: 0; }.details { height: 0; }
These elements will have a delay before they animate, so we need to hide them first.
With the previous preparations, let’s start operating the animation. The above Javascript code adds a show state to the card when it is displayed. We can use this class name to add animation to various parts of the card.
To do this we will use the CSS animation property and a series of keyframes.
This helps to create generic animations in CSS and reuse them. Simple animations, such as fades, can be defined once and used in multiple places.
To show how to define keyframes, let's first create fade-in and fade-out animations.
@keyframes fade-in { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; }}@keyframes fade-out { 0% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; }}
Keyframes are a series of steps, defined as percentages. They can be any number of steps, but in our case we only define the start (0%) and end (100%) keyframes. On the fade-in we start at opacity (0) and end up at full opacity (1). The animation of fade-out is just the opposite.
When buttons are shown and hidden, we can apply animation attributes to them.
.show-card { animation: fade-in 0.4s 1s forwards ease-out; }.show-card.hide { animation: fade-out 0.4s forwards ease-out; }
The animation attribute tells the card to use fade-in animation with a duration of 0.4 seconds and a delay of 1 second. After the animation ends, the last state (forwards) will be maintained and the ease-out time curve will be used.
When the .hide class is applied to the button, it is the fade-out animation’s turn.
The first part we will introduce is the icon bar. Since this is the location of the link, we want it to stand out so people pay attention first.
@keyframes show-icon-bar { 0% { height: 0; } 100% { height: 4.5em; }}
.card.show .icon-bar { animation: show-icon-bar .5s forwards cubic-bezier(.64,1.87,.64,.64); }
.card.show .details { animation: show-detail-container 0.7s 0.5s forwards cubic-bezier(.54,-0.38,.34,1.42); }
施加到details部分的动画被设置为持续时间为0.7秒,并且延迟 0.5秒。这意味着动画将会在图标栏出现之后
@keyframes show-detail-container { 0% { height: 0; } 100% { height: 13.5em; }}
@keyframes pop-in { 0% { transform: scale(0.7); } 100% { transform: scale(1); }}
.card.show .headshot img { animation: fade-in 0.4s 1.2s forwards, pop-in 0.6s 1.2s forwards cubic-bezier(.64,1.87,.64,.64); }.card.show .name { animation: fade-in 0.3s 1.3s forwards, pop-in 0.3s 1.3s forwards cubic-bezier(.64,1.87,.64,.64); }.card.show .description { animation: fade-in 0.3s 1.4s forwards, pop-in 0.3s 1.4s forwards cubic-bezier(.64,1.87,.64,.64); }
.card.show .close { animation: fade-in 0.3s 1.3s forwards; }
@keyframes show-icon { 0% { opacity: 0; transform: rotateZ(-40deg); } 100% { opacity: 1; transform: rotateZ(0); }}
.card.show .icon-bar li { animation: show-icon 0.5s forwards cubic-bezier(.64,1.87,.64,.64); }.card.show .icon-bar li:nth-child(1) { animation-delay: 1.8s; }.card.show .icon-bar li:nth-child(2) { animation-delay: 1.9s; }.card.show .icon-bar li:nth-child(3) { animation-delay: 2s; }
最后,我们需要添加一个hide行动来用动画把关闭按钮和卡片关闭了。首先,我们将更新的JavaScript。在按下关闭图标时,JavaScript等待一秒钟,然后使用display: none在关闭卡片。
$('.show-card').click(function(e) { $('.card').addClass('show').css('display', 'block'); $('.show-card').addClass('hide');});$('.card .close').click(function(e) { $('.card').addClass('hide'); setTimeout(function() { $('.card').css('display', 'none').removeClass('show').removeClass('hide'); }, 1000); $('.show-card').removeClass('hide');});
这给我们一秒钟的时间来操作卡片 - 我们让它掉到屏幕的底部。实现这一目标的关键帧,如下所示:
@keyframes drop-card { 100% { bottom: -100%; transform: rotateZ(20deg); opacity: 0; }}
.card.hide { animation: drop-card 1s forwards cubic-bezier(.54,-0.38,.34,1.42); }
See the Pen Adding Appeal to Your Animations on the Web by Tuts+ (@tutsplus) on CodePen.
本文根据@Donovan Hutchinson所译,整篇译文带有我自己的理解和意思,如果有译得不好的地方或者不对之处,还请大家指点。如需转载此译文,须注明英文出处:http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/adding-appeal-to-your-animations-on-the-web?cms-23649