Encapsulate the php class to batch parse css into json format
Release: b.
class CsstoJson{
* CSS batch import function
* @function ImportCss
* @param $data{xxx:XXX; yyy:YYY;}
* @Description Import CSS style structure into the database according to certain rules
* @return boolean
public function ImportCss($post){
$data = str_replace("}","}&",$post); # Replace } with }&
$data =explode('&',$data); # & is used to cut each css Style sheet to array
array_pop($data); # Remove the last array element
$JsonData =self:: arrayToCss($data);
$length =1-count($JsonData);
$JsonData = substr($JsonData,$length,-1); # Intercept the last string
$JsonData = "{".$JsonData."}";
$JsonData = json_decode($JsonData,true ); # Convert to json array
return $JsonData;
* CSS data styling function
* @function array_to_css
* @param $ArrayData is the css style data in format
public function arrayToCss($ArrayData){
$ GetData=null;
//Traverse the passed array
foreach($ArrayData as $key => $arraydatas ){
$arraydatas = str_replace("{","&{",$arraydatas ); # Replace { in the transmitted data to facilitate subsequent string conversion
$arraydatas = explode('&',$arraydatas);
$jsondata = self::strToJson($arraydatas);
$GetData =$GetData.$jsondata.",";
return $GetData;
/** * 解析数组里面的字符串操作 * @function strToJson * $Strdata 二维数组,里面含有 */ public function strToJson($Strdata){ //替换CSS数据名称 $Strdata['0'] = str_replace(".","",$Strdata['0']); $Strdata['1'] = str_replace("{","",$Strdata['1']); $Strdata['1'] = str_replace("}","",$Strdata['1']); $temp = null; $StrdataChild = explode(';',$Strdata['1']); array_pop($StrdataChild); foreach($StrdataChild as $key => $StrdataChilds){ $StrdataChilds = explode(':',$StrdataChilds); # 分解每个类名下面的属性与具体数值的键值对 $ProName = trim($StrdataChilds['0']); # 去掉表单字段的空格,不然入库无法识别 $jsondata = "\"".$ProName."\"".':'."\"".$StrdataChilds['1']."\","; # 把类似height:10px这样的键值对分开成想要的数据结构 $temp = $temp.$jsondata; # 操作css的height等具体字段配置关系 } $ClassName = trim($Strdata['0']); # 去掉表单字段的空格,不然入库无法识别 #获取当前字符串的长度 $length =1-count($temp); #截取字符串最后 $temp = substr($temp,$length,-1); #把当前所属分类名称加入到子集中 $temp = "\""."classname"."\"".":"."\"".$ClassName."\"".",".$temp; return "\"".$Strdata['0']."\"".":"."{".$temp."}"; }
$cssdata = ".wrapper .box{border:1px #e1e1e1 solid;}.wrapper .box .title{height:31px;border-bottom:1px #e1e1e1 solid;line-height:30px;}";$toJson = new CsstoJson();$reData = $toJson->ImportCss($cssdata);var_dump($reData);
If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact the author