Although box-sizing was only introduced in CSS3, one of its values is border-box, which makes the height and width of the element include padding and border.
.div { width: 150px; height: 100px; border: 1px solid #ccc; box-sizing: border-box; }
Chrome 31, IE8, Firefox 31, Safari 7, Opera 27, iOS Safari 7.1 and Android Browser 4.1 all support this attribute.
If the element does not have a positioning attribute, such as static/absolute/relative/fixed, changing the attribute will be ignored
position: relative;z-index: 100;
An element can be effectively disabled using a none value for the pointer-event attribute. Regardless of whether it is JQuery or JavaScript, the click event will not be triggered
.bricked { pointer-events: none; }
Chrome 31, IE11, Firefox 31, Safari 7, Opera 27, iOS Safari 7.1 and Android Browser 4.1 support this attribute
Prevent long links from overflowing the parent element
a { word-wrap: break-word; }
ps: Related articles: CSS line wrapping
Retina displays can be detected using the following media query
@media (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi) { /* Retina CSS */ }
The filter attribute is widely supported except in IE, but may be supported by Spartan. It's going to be a big deal in the next few decades.
.blur { filter: blur(30px); }
Chrome 31, Firefox 35, Safari 7, Opera 27, iOS Safari 7.1 and Android Browser 4.4 support this attribute
Can be used in Use ellipsis in an element to shorten long text
.whatever { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; }
Sometimes you need an empty element to obey its width attribute, you can do this:
.whatever { min-height: 1px; }
The @supports query is similar to the @media query. If the browser supports it, the given CSS will be displayed. Currently, IE and Safari do not support this attribute, but this will change soon. Spartan promises to support this attribute, and it is worth looking forward to
@supports (display: flex) { /* flexbox CSS */ }@supports not (display: flex) { /* CSS for no flexbox */ }
Chrome 31, Firefox 31, Opera 27 and Android Browser 4.4, etc. will support this attribute.
A column on Zhihu introduced three weird techniques, which are very useful. I added them at the end of this article:
3 things about CSS that [almost] no one knows.
Original English text: Some CSS you may not know