<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>M3U8 TEST</title></head><body><div id="player"></div></body></html>
<script src="lib/swfobject.js"></script><script> var flashvars = { // M3U8 url, or any other url which compatible with SMP player (flv, mp4, f4m) // escaped it for urls with ampersands src: escape("JETER.mp4"), // url to OSMF HLS Plugin // plugin_m3u8: "HLSProviderOSMF.swf", CSS1 plugin_m3u8: "HLSDynamicPlugin.swf" }; var params = { // self-explained parameters allowFullScreen: true, allowScriptAccess: "always", bgcolor: "#000000" }; var attrs = { name: "player" }; swfobject.embedSWF( // url to SMP player "StrobeMediaPlayback.swf", // div id where player will be place "player", // width, height "800", "485", // minimum flash player version required "10.2", // other parameters null, flashvars, params, attrs );</script>
Player required File (such as .swf file, etc.) download address: http://blog.denivip.ru/index.php/2013/05/osmf-hls-plugin/?lang=en
Note: If your player cannot play M3U8 linked videos, please try to see if this player can play local MP4 videos. If the MP4 can be played, then the player is working. This problem of not being able to play lies on the server where the M3U8 video is located. For Flash cross-domain problems, crossdomain.xml is this file. Just change it to "*".
It’s a flashback. Let me quickly think about the issue of Flash player style. Or, I don’t know anything about AS.