Shireframe can draw interface prototypes through HTML. Based on AngularJS and jQuery drivers, using RequireJS for module loading and Bootstrap for display
Sample code:
<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <script src=""></script> <title>Doodle</title> </head> <body> <browser-chrome> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="text-right vertical-margin"> <a>~Me</a> <a>Mail</a> <a>Pictures</a> <glyphicon th></glyphicon> <glyphicon user></glyphicon> </div> <div class="vertical-margin"> <row> <col-6 col-offset-3> <h1 class="text-title text-center"></h1> <box class="width-100 vertical-margin">|</box> </col-6> </row> <row> <col-3 col-offset-3> <button class="btn btn-default width-100">Doodle search</button> </col-3> <col-3> <button class="btn btn-default width-100">I'm feeling doodley</button> </col-3> </row> </div> <footer class="vertical-margin"> © <text-url></text-url> 2015 </footer> </div> </browser-chrome> </body></html>
Project homepage: http://