address element is used to present contact information in the document, including the name of the document creator, site link, email address, real address, phone number, etc.; address is not just Used to represent the concept of an "address" such as an email address or a real address, but should include various contact information related to the person who created the document.
According to the above definition, we can use the following code to display the names and homepage links of some volunteers:
The HTML5 Doctor is run by the following group of volunteers:<address><a href="">Jack Osborne</a>,<a href="">Rich Clark</a>,<a href="">Mike Robinson</a>,</address>
The following is another example, also using
and Elements:<footer><div class="vcard"> by<address class="author"> <em class="fn"><a title="Posts by Jack Osborne" href="#">Jack Osborne</a></em></address> on<time datetime="2009-11-04" class="published updated">November 4th, 2009</time></div></footer>
If we really need to display some contact information in the page that is not related to the contact information of the current document creator, then we can use the hCard microformat:
<div class="vcard"><p class="fn"><a class="url" href="#">Dr. Jack Osborne</a><p><p class="adr"><span class="street-address">HTML5 Hospital</span><span class="region">Doctorville</span><span class="postal-code">Postal Code</span><span class="country-name">Great Britain</span></p><p class="tel">+44 (0)XXXX XXXXXX</p></div>
Concise version of HTML5 study notes (3): New elements: hgroup, header, footer, address, nav