This article is kindly sponsored by Xiuyi Lin Feng and was first published in Mud Xingtianxia.
1. The function and installation of htpasswd
2. Detailed explanation of htpasswd command
3. Examples of htpasswd
4. Application of htpasswd
1. The function and installation of htpasswd
htpasswd is a tool of Apache. This tool is mainly used to create and update text files that store user names and passwords. It is mainly used for authentication of http-based users.
The installation of htpasswd is very simple, it is generated with the installation of apache. This is the same as the ab tool. If anyone has any questions, you can check out the article "Mud: Application of apache performance testing tool ab".
If apache is installed through RPM's yum method, the command is stored in the /usr/bin/ directory, as follows:
which htpasswd
/usr/bin /htpasswd
If apache is installed from source, this command is stored in the bin directory of the apache installation directory, as follows:
htpasswd command usage, we can check it through the help of htpasswd, as follows:
htpasswd -h
2. Detailed explanation of htpasswd command
In the first part, we looked at the help information of htpasswd. Now let's explain the relevant parameters in the help information.
htpasswd’s help information is as follows:
htpasswd -h
htpasswd [-cmdpsD] passwordfile username
htpasswd -b[ cmdpsD] passwordfile username password
htpasswd -n[mdps] username
htpasswd -nb[mdps] username password
htpasswd command option parameter description:
-c creates an encrypted file.
-n does not update the encrypted file, and only displays the username and password encrypted by the htpasswd command on the screen.
-m The default htpassswd command uses the MD5 algorithm to encrypt passwords. This parameter can be omitted by default.
-d indicates that the htpassswd command uses the CRYPT algorithm to encrypt the password.
-s indicates that the htpassswd command uses the SHA algorithm to encrypt the password.
-p means that the htpassswd command does not encrypt the password, that is, the plain text password.
-b means to enter the username and password together in the htpassswd command line instead of entering the password according to the prompts.
-D means to delete the specified user.
3. Examples of htpasswd
In the second step, we listed the parameter descriptions of htpasswd. Now we will introduce how to use these parameters through examples.
3.1 Use the htpasswd command to add a user
To add a user through the htpasswd command, we can use the -b and -c parameters. As follows:
htpasswd -bc ilannifile ilanniuser 123456
cat ilannifile
htpasswd -bc ilannifile ilanniuser 123456
means in the current directory Generate an ilannifile password file, and add a new user with the username ilanniuser and password 123456. The default encryption method is MD5.
3.2 Add a new user to the original password file
To add a new user to the original password file, we can use the -b parameter. As follows:
htpasswd -b ilannifile ilannitwo 123456
cat ilannifile
htpasswd -b ilannifile ilannitwo 123456
represents the password in ilannifile A new user named ilannitwo and password 123456 is added to the file.
Note: The -c parameter must not be added at this time, otherwise the original password file will be overwritten and a new password file will be created.
3.3 Do not update the password file, but only display the encrypted user name and password
To not update the password file, but only display the encrypted user name and password, we can use the -n parameter. As follows:
htpasswd -n ilannitwo
Note that the -n parameter must be followed by a user that already exists in the password file. To be honest, this parameter doesn't have much practical significance.
3.4 Use the htpasswd command to delete user names and passwords
To delete users that already exist in the password file, we can use the -D parameter. As follows:
htpasswd -D ilannifile ilannitwo
3.5 Use the htpasswd command to change the user password
To achieve this purpose, we need to first delete it using the htpasswd command Specify the user, and then use htpasswd to create the user to realize the function of changing the password. As follows:
4. Application of htpasswd
htpasswd can be integrated with nagios, SVN, nginx, apache, etc. We will not introduce them one by one here. We will introduce the integration and use of htpasswd with the above programs separately later.