Cursor type
CSS Place your cursor on the corresponding text to see the effect
Please note that the actual effect of the cursor depends on the user's system settings, and you The effects seen here are not necessarily consistent.
Crosshair cursor: crosshair;
Hand cursor: pointer; cursor: hand; The two are written to take care of IE5, which only recognizes hand.
Wait/Hourglass cursor: wait;
Help cursor: help;
Cannot release cursor: no-drop;
Text/Edit cursor: text ;
Mobile object cursor: move;
Resize upward (North) cursor: n-resize;
Resize downward (South) cursor: s-resize ;
Change size to the right (East) cursor: e-resize;
Change size to the left (West) cursor: w-resize;
Change size to the right ( North East) cursor: ne-resize;
Resize up and left (North West) cursor: nw-resize;
Resize down and right (South East) cursor: se-resize;
Change size down and left (South West) cursor: sw-resize;
Auto cursor: auto;
Disable cursor:not-allowed;
Processing cursor: progress;
System default cursor: default;
User-defined (animation available) cursor: url(' # '); # = cursor file address (note the file format Must be: .cur or .ani).
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