CSS3 is one of the main technologies for mobile web development. Currently, the features of CSS3 technology that are most suitable for use in mobile web development include enhanced selectors, shadows, powerful background settings
, and rounded borders
Next, we will mainly explain the enhanced There are two main types of selectors, attribute selectors and pseudo-class selectors
1. Attribute selectors
1.1 Full match selectors
Syntax: [attribute=value ]
<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;"><div id="article">属性匹配选择器</div><style type="text/css">[id=article]{ color:red;}</style></span>
1.2 contains matching selector
Syntax: [attribute*=value]
<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;"><div id="article">属性匹配选择器</div><div id="subarticle">属性匹配选择器</div><div id="article1">属性匹配选择器</div><style type="text/css">[id*=article]{ color:red;}</style></span>
Syntax: [attribute^=value]
<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;"><div id="article">属性匹配选择器</div><div id="subarticle">属性匹配选择器</div><div id="article1">属性匹配选择器</div><style type="text/css">[id^=article]{ color:red;}</style></span>
Syntax: [attribute$=value]
<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;"><div id="article">属性匹配选择器</div><div id="subarticle">属性匹配选择器</div><div id="article1">属性匹配选择器</div><style type="text/css">[id$=article]{ color:red;}</style></span>
In CSS3 selector, pseudo-class selector There are many types. In the CSS2.1 era, pseudo-class selection already existed, such as the four state selectors of hyperlinks
a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active
CSS3 adds a lot of selectors, including:
first-line pseudo-element selector
first-letter pseudo-element selector
root selector
not selector
empty selector
target selector