Mastering CSS: Advanced Web Standards Solutions (2nd Edition)
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- Cascading importance: (that is, user !important can override inline style)
- !important, user>author, and finally browser/user agent
- Calculation of rule specificity (order): a, b, c, d If they are the same, the one defined later takes precedence
- If it is inline style, a =1
- b=number of ID selectors (#id)
- c=number of class, pseudo-class, attribute selectors
- d=type, pseudo- Number of element selectors
- => How to manage the order of rules in a large website with complex content? ? ?
- @import is slower than link?
- p41 (vertical) margin overlay (=max(upper's margin-bottom, down's margin-top))
- Elements nested and included, and empty elements will be overlaid
- only for the block box of ordinary document flow, inline, float, position:absolute will not overlap
- inline: setting the height and width has no effect, line-height
- = > inline-block
- Cannot directly apply styles to {anonymous block, text line box}
- position: relative: you can specify left and top "relative to" the original Position, the element still occupies the original space
- position:absolute: The element does not occupy the document flow space (this is equivalent to raising its z-index?)
- Positioned relative to its nearest ancestor element (It can be seen from this that CSS positions ancestor elements first and descendant elements later?)
- position:fixed: relative to viewport (generally used for user comments)
- position:float: can be moved left and right (out of the document flow), until it hits the containing box or another floating box
- If the containing block (containing block?) cannot be horizontal Accommodating all elements, other float elements will move down
- Text elements will be affected by float, causing an effect similar to WORD's 'text wrapping'
- To prevent this, clear these text lines float.
- You can use an empty element clear:both to make the parent container contain floating elements. (You can also use the float container directly, but this will affect the next element)
- .clearFloat:after { content: "."; height:0; visibility:hidden; display:block; clear:both; }
- 'Holly hack' in IE 6-
- p56 created using background image Bullets
- p65 The rounded corner box is easy to handle in CSS 3. Skip the various tricks in the CSS 2.1 era
- 9-segmented border-image: url(user-corner. gif) 25% 25% 25% 25% / 25px round round;
- CSS shadow: box-shadow
- CSS parallax: background-position: 20% 0;
- Image replacement (CSS 2.1):
- FIR: display:none of text causing unsuitability for screen readers
- Phark: use text-indent:-5000px; for The case of turning off the image but turning on CSS is invalid
- sIFR (JS Flash)
- p87 CSS 3 allows: target pseudo-class? (Well, there is no problem of information leakage in this way)
- External link style (common in Wiki)
- p92 The text is always vertically centered in the line box (??), set line-height That’s it. Using height will cause the text to not be vertically centered, so additional padding must be set
- CSS Tooltip: How about the simplest title attribute?
- p105 Highlight the current page in the navigation bar : Use 2 IDs, one of which is applied to the body element for combined matching (in this way, the background of the navigation bar does not need special processing...) Cool!
- p114 The old version of IE does not support using :hover on non-anchor elements. You can use JS or .htc behavior files to enable this function
- CSS image mapping: wrap the img with a div, Set its size equal to the image and position:relative; then position each li element relative to the div, and use :hover to display the border line. . .
- p129 Long-distance flip: It is actually very simple. Let the anchor element wrap a div/span/li, and then use absolute positioning to move these containing elements to other positions on the page. Just set the :hover of the anchor element. .
- p136 2 models of table element border: collapse|separate
- Form element
- fieldset: block title (Group Panel/Box)
- label 2 ways to use: nesting contains input; use for attribute to associate input (id)
- p153 'The basis of all CSS layouts are 3 basic concepts: positioning, floating, margin manipulate. '
- IE 6 - does not support margin:auto; Fortunately, IE misinterprets text-align:center; as centering everything, not just the text (...)
- p159 In standards-compliant browsers, if the content of an element is too large, it will simply extend outside the box. However, IE expands the entire element (...-_-)
- 3-column layout: broken down into 2 nested 2-column layout? ? ?
- p164 flow layout: min-width! (Haha, I think an online CSS exam system can be developed. The question is about layout accurate to px. JS is required to check whether the effect is correct... ha)
- p166 Flexible layout: relative to the font size (em units) layout (not necessary for browsers that support page scaling)
- body{font-size:62.5%;} only sets the width of the container in em units, the internal width still uses %
- p170 faux column (omitted)
- bugs and bug fixes
- IE's 'own layout' (hasLayout)
- Setting the following attributes will cause the element to have layout: float, display:inline-block;, width/height, zoom, writing-mode:tb-rl; added in IE7: overflow, min-width: any value, max- width: any value except none
- For example: in IE, text paragraphs have layout, and there will be no effect of surrounding float elements
- Another example: in IE 6-, elements with layout will be wrong Expands to fit content size...
- Hacks and filters (omitted)
- Common bugs on IE 6-:
- Any float Doubling the element's margin? ? ? Change to display:inline;
- 3px text offset
- Repeat last few characters of last element of a series of floated elements: remove comment (..!)
- * 'peek-a-boo' bug with IE6
- * Absolute positioning (o, i c, shit) in relative containers: .rel-container{height:1%;}
- Case Study
- Roma Italia
- Cufon? Display html with the selected font, without any images or @font-face (???): the EULA for the selected font must allow font embedding on the web
- Climb the Mountains
- :first-child
- Combined class