The application entrance of the background language all starts from routes. If you want to create a new page, you must learn to configure routes. The conf/routes file defines the actions of all application URLs. (Action), if the browser requests access to http://localhost:9000/, the application will return a page. At this time, the initial format of routes is as follows
# Routes# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)# ~~~~# Home pageGET / controllers.Application.index
literally means Home page [The default home page is index.scala.html under view].
This definition tells play to call the index method of controllers containing the Application class when it receives an HTTP GET/POST type request and the path is [/] , the corresponding code is as follows:
package controllersimport play.api._import play.api.mvc._object Application extends Controller { def index = Action { Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready.")) }}
If you want to specify which file you can modify routes:
# Home pageGET /index.html controllers.Application.index
At this time, the accessed address needs to add the file name [http://localhost:9000/index.html].
The routes definition above / /index.html corresponds to the index method in the Application.scala code block to display web page content:
//所有的控制台代码按play规范均归入controllers包package controllers//导入play应用开发所需要的类库import play.api._import play.api.mvc._//Application全局对象实例化,因此使用Object来声明Application并继承play的Controller类object Application extends Controller {//定义index方法,任何toutes文件中指定调用的方法,必须放回Action对象来处理HTTP请求 def index = Action { //任何ACtion对象必须获得反返回的Result对象 //OK继承于Result对象,所以返回OK表示其包含的内容为HTTP 200 OK的状态 //在Scala最后一行代码等同于 return OK(views.html.index("Your new application is ready.")) Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready.")) }}
def This statement is like the code block statement in Rython and Ruby.
OK indicates that the HTTP request is successful. You can try to modify the content:
Ok(views.html.index("Hello World!"))
The header in the template page becomes Hello World! .
After understanding the relationship between routes Application Controller you can create files yourself.
GET /show.html
def show = Action { Ok(views.html.index("Hello World!")) }
Create a new file show.scala.html in view and run the code block in copy index.scala.html... Then you can access it at http://localhost:9000/show.html.