Ask all the experts. My97datepicker This control has a start date and an end date. You can only choose the current day.
That is, if I choose September 15th as the start date, then I can only choose September 15th as the end date
Start time: onclick="WdatePicker({isShowClear:true,readOnly:true,skin:'blue',dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd'})"/>
End time: onclick="WdatePicker({isShowClear:true,readOnly:true,skin:'blue',dateFmt:'yyyy -MM-dd'
,minDate:'#F{$dp.$D('qssj')}',maxDate:'#F{$dp.$D('qssj')}'})"/ >
function changeTime(t){
if ($("#jssj").val()!= '' && $("#jssj" ).val() < t) {
through 🎜>
Start time: onclick="WdatePicker({isShowClear:true,readOnly:true,skin:'blue',dateFmt:'yyyy- MM-dd'})"/>
,minDate:'#F{$dp.$D('qssj')}',maxDate:'#F{$dp.$D ('qssj')}'})"/>
function changeTime(t){
jssj" ).val() < t){
minDate means that the minimum time cannot be less than Starting time, maxDate means that the maximum time cannot exceed the starting time.
changTime(t) means that when you select the start time, it will determine whether the end time is empty or the end time is less than the start time, and then assign the value of the start time to the end time. This can be changed according to your needs
Can you only choose one day?
Then why choose the end date?
I forgot to mention that this is overtime, so I can only choose 1 day, but you can choose any time... Thanks for the reply from the 3rd floor.
<div style=" width:100%; height:30px;"><input type="text" id="txt_start" style="width: 295px;" class="Wdate txt_bordercolor" onFocus="WdatePicker({maxDate:'#F{$dp.$D(\'txt_end\')}',startDate:'%y-%M-%D 18:00:00',dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm',onpicked :function(dp){jisuanstatrTime(}})" /></div> <div style=" width:100%; height:25px;">加班截止时间:</div> <div style=" width:100%; height:30px;"><input type="text" id="txt_end" style="width: 295px;" class="Wdate txt_bordercolor" onFocus="WdatePicker({minDate:'#F{$dp.$D(\'txt_start\')}',startDate:'%y-%M-%D 20:00:00',dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm',onpicked :function(dp){jisuanTime(}})" /></div>