<html><head><title>Macromedia Flash (SWF)</title></head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><!-- saved from url=(0053) --><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="1024" height="785" id="myMovieName"><param name="movie" value="Flash_controller.swf?csConfigFile=Flash_controller.xml"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"><param name="FlashVars" value="csConfigFile=Flash_controller.xml"><embed src="Flash_controller.swf?csConfigFile=Flash_controller.xml" FlashVars="csConfigFile=Flash_controller.xml" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF width=1024 height=785 type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspace=""></embed></object></body></html>
我刚刚试过了 你那个不行啊 我页面上什么也没有啊 无语了
再下载Flash_controller.swf,是一个有常用按钮与进度条的swf播放器。 下载地址
呵呵 谢谢你的回复啊 我看到了
lz 这么有爱的说
看了 kmokd 回复 xiebibolove 的帖子,受益匪浅,我也正为swf视频播放犯愁呢,在网上搜了无数,均无人提到如何做,昨天照 kmokd 仁兄说的做了,很实用,欣喜之余,还有问题赐教:
谁教教我 啊 我QQ422844738 我也是解决不了 这个问题 求解
为啥我按照kmokd 说的 ,怎么看不到啊,求赐教啊
为啥我看招4楼的方法 不行啊,求赐教
According to the method on the 4th floor, why is it all blank? There is a progress bar, but the video area is completely blank. When I right-click, it seems that the video is playing but I can’t see it.
Thank you, 4th Floor Yes, for reference, haha,
Is anyone still paying attention to this post? Is there a good solution?
Follow, I also encountered the same problem, I don’t know the original poster Is it solved?
I tried it, but the method on the fourth floor doesn’t work.
The method on the 4th floor is feasible, but there seems to be a small problem with the video position. I need to find out the reason, thank you.
Is it feasible? It’s all blank, please please~~~~