Looking at the picture,
The border of the thumbnail squeezes out the lower line. Is there any solution?
For details, please see http://zhixu.yuanma2.com/index.php?r=default/photo/content&id=12
Add a border to the picture.
li Add a style min-height:60px;
Borders cannot be added to pictures. Then all pictures will have borders. I only need to add borders to the selected picture.
Add a border to the picture.
li Add a style min-height:60px;
Borders cannot be added to pictures. Then all pictures will have borders. I only need to add borders to the selected picture.
Why not make the distance between the top and bottom larger?
#play_menu li a img{ border:0px;}#play_menu li.selected a img{ border:2px solid #e77927;}
$(function(){ count = $("#play_list .jqzoom").size(); $("#play_list .jqzoom:not(:first-child)").hide(); $("#play_menu li:first-child").css({"border":"2px solid #e77927"}); $("#play_menu li").click(function(){ var i = $(this).attr('alt') - 1; n = i; if (i >= count) return; $("#play_menu li").removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); $("#play_list .jqzoom").filter(":visible").hide().parent().children().eq(i).fadeIn(500); }); t = setInterval("showAuto()", 3000); $("#play").hover(function(){ clearInterval(t) }, function(){t = setInterval("showAuto()", 3000);});})
Your actual height is higher, so the following is Open
and add descending line-height