My existing code is only compatible with IE8 and below. IE9 and Firefox are not compatible. Please help me! !
<div id="codefans_net" visibility: visible; border:#A3DFF7 1px solid;></div><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> var x = 50, y = 60 var xin = true, yin = true var step = 1 var delay = 10 var obj = document.getElementById("codefans_net") function float() { var L = T = 0 var R = document.body.clientWidth - obj.offsetWidth var B = document.body.clientHeight - obj.offsetHeight = x + document.body.scrollLeft = y + document.body.scrollTop x = x + step * (xin ? 1 : -1) if (x < L) { xin = true; x = L } if (x > R) { xin = false; x = R } y = y + step * (yin ? 1 : -1) if (y < T) { yin = true; y = T } if (y > B) { yin = false; y = B } } var itl = setInterval("float()", delay) obj.onmouseover = function() { clearInterval(itl) } obj.onmouseout = function() { itl = setInterval("float()", delay) } function close_float() { = 'hidden'; }</script>
This post is a living example
This post is A living example
This example is not compatible with IE9 and Firefox! I want a compatible one
That’s it, I’ll consider using ff to connect to csdn in the future
That’s it, I’ll consider using ff to connect to csdn in the future
Really! If you were asked to build a portal for a certain website, would you only consider users below IE8, but not IE9 and Firefox users? !
The problem with your code is that is recognized by IE6, 7 and 8, but others such as FF, Google and IE9 are not recognized ~
The problem with your code is that is recognized by IE6, 7 and 8, but others such as FF, Google and IE9 are not recognized~
The solution is to add 'px' after your value to achieve compatibility~