<a href="http://www.w3school.com.cn">W3School</a>href是哪个字的缩写?<td align="left">
<html><body><code>Computer code</code><br><kbd>Keyboard input</kbd><br><tt>Teletype text</tt><br><samp>Sample text</samp><br><var>Computer variable</var><br><p><b>注释:</b>这些标签常用于显示计算机/编程代码。</p></body></html>
<bdo dir="rtl">Here is some Hebrew text</bdo>
This is the email link:
Send Email
Here is another mailto link:
Send email!
Note: should be used to replace spaces between words so that the browser The text will be displayed correctly.
It doesn’t make much sense to study this. Just know how to use it
1. href should be the abbreviation of Hyperlink Reference.
2. td should be the abbreviation of table data.
3. If the attribute value itself has quotation marks, it must be wrapped in different quotation marks outside. For example,