Dear big birds, what software do you use to test the things you have made? Please recommend. I don't seem to have any software at the moment.
Is building the web nothing more than various browsers?
yslow, firebug
If it is page compatibility:
1. Use ie9 to test the compatibility of ie7,8,9.
2. Use ietester to test the compatibility of ie6.
3. Use firefox to test the compatibility of firefox.
4. Use chrome to test the compatibility of the webkit kernel. That includes Safari. Generally speaking, there is not much difference between the two.
5. Finally test the compatibility of opera.
IE, FireFox, the two major browsers
There seems to be a special software that can switch between different IE versions for testing. I forgot the name.
If you want to test HTTP messages, you can use HttpDebug
The software mentioned above is called IE Collection, which contains basically all versions of IE. It is a necessary software for compatibility testing. , Firefox is also very mainstream, and Opera, the compatibility of Opera browser is not very good. If these are compatible, then it should be no problem