I am a newbie, and now I am using PHP to build a web system. The problem now is that many of my pages share a banner. This banner includes the header logo, navigation bar and logout, so I originally wanted to save the amount of code. A frame is used to build a web page. This banner is a banner. Most web pages contain such a banner frame and a content frame. However, various problems occurred during the period. The secondary menu of the navigation bar was covered by the frame below. Using frame can only add scroll bars to local frames. If you want to add scroll bars to the entire page, you need to embed these framesets into another iframe. (If you use iframe directly, Firefox can only display the first iframe.) But in this case, It is not possible to change the contentframe locally. It is a pain in the ass and has various problems. Can you guys know if there is a better way to implement such a web page architecture? What technology can be used to use the master page without a frame? Could you guys know? Give a generous answer and be more detailed. I'm a newbie and I'd like to take a bow here!
Do you still use frame when you already use php?
If you already use php, do you still use frame?
Please give me detailed guidance, I am a newbie
Isn’t it okay to quote files?