I want to use dtree to make a tree structure diagram
But there is a problem, there is no content on the output page. However, example01.html (the demo page provided by dtree) in the same directory displays normally. The following jsp page code is modified from example01.html. Please pay attention to the
In the database:
dept_id dept_name parentdept_description
1 1 0 111
2 1.1 1 11111
3 1.2 1 111111
4 1.1.1 2 222222
5 1.2.1 3 3333333
HQL statement: from com.zhang.bean.Dept
JSP page:
<%@ page language="java" import="java.util .*" pageEncoding="GBK"%>
String path = request.getContextPath();
String basePath = request.getScheme() "://" request.getServerName() ":" request.getServerPort() path "/";
Destroydrop » Javascripts » Tree
Example h2>