想做个 网页录入的网页 先是录入信息 好多选项给人填写 然后 下面可以按条件查找 修改 记录
现在 录入部分太难看了 项目太多 堆起来太不美观 想弄成 比如 “用户基本信息” 这几个字 点一下 下面就显示 姓名 性别 等等的 信息 让人填写 “联系方式” 点一下 直前点过的“用户基本信息” 那项目就消失 直接就变 联系方式的 信息 填写框 类似的·· 是不是 画好个 然后隐藏 点下项目就显示 出来 给人填写的? 我是这么想的 但是弄不来
新手上路请多关照· 求详细代码 步骤··· 我用dreamweaver的
js+css 先了解css吧,然后再过渡到jquery.
mysql_query("set names 'gb2312'");
$kind = $_GET['id'];
echo $kind;
echo $fuck;
if( $kind!=$fuck or !$fuck)
操作 |
村别 |
组别 |
育妇姓名 |
育妇出生日期 |
育妇婚姻状况 |
丈夫姓名 |
丈夫出生日期 |
丈夫婚姻状况 |
育妇初婚日期 |
结婚日期 |
怀孕时间 |
怀孕政策属性 |
怀孕终止时间 |
怀孕终止地 |
男孩数 |
女孩数 |
末子出生日期 |
末子性别 |
出生政策内外 |
避孕状况 |
避孕开始日期 |
Surgery location |
Remarks |
if(isset($_POST["name"],$_POST["time"],$_POST["nname" ])){
echo $name;
echo $time;
echo $adminkind;
$sql="SELECT * FROM data where village='$adminkind' and approval='$shengpi' ";
if($name ) //name is not empty
$sql.=" and name of the mother-in-law='$name' ";
$sql.=" and entry time= '$time' ";
" 🎜> }
$sql .="and Husband’s name='$nname'";
Entry time = '$time' ";
echo $shengpi;
echo $sql;
echo $query;
$title= "Gender t Name t Date of birth t Household registration type t Marital status t Marriage date t Pregnancy time t Termination of pregnancy Time t Reason for termination of pregnancy t Number of children t Name of child t Time of birth t Gender t Attributes of child t Mode of delivery t Date of death t Number of birth control attempts t Type of birth control t Time of birth control t Place of birth control t Termination measures t Reason for cancellation t Remarks r ";
$ok=fopen("c:\ $outfile.txt","a ");//Use a here to open in read-write mode and point the file pointer to the end of the file. If the file does not exist, try to create it
if( !$outfile==''){
$str="".$array["gender"]."t".$array["name"]."t".$array["date of birth"]."t". $array["Nature of household registration"]."t".$array["Marital status"]."t".$array["Marriage date"]."t".$array["Pregnancy time"]."t ".$array["Pregnancy termination time"]."t".$array["Pregnancy termination reason"]."t".$array["Children"]."t".$array["Children's names" ]."t".$array["Birth time"]."t".$array["Gender"]."t".$array["Child attributes"]."t".$array["Delivery method "]."t".$array["Date of Death"]."t".$array["Number of Birth Control Numbers"]."t".$array["Type of Birth Control"]."t".$array[" Birth control time"]."t".$array["Birth control location"]."t".$array["Termination measures"]."t".$array["Reason for cancellation"]."t".$array ["Remarks"]."r".$array["Gender 3"]."t".$array["Name 2"]."t".$array["Date of Birth 2"]."t" .$array["Household Registration Nature 2"]."t".$array["Marital Status 2"]."t".$array["Marriage Date 2"]."t"."t"."t" ."t".$array["Children 2"]."r";
$k=fopen("c:\ $outfile.txt","a ");//Use a here to open in read-write mode and point the file pointer to the end of the file. If the file does not exist, try to create it
echo"<script>alert('Export successful!');</ script>"; <br> echo "<script>location.href='admin.php?id=$kind';</script>";
< tr bordercolor="#0000FF">
Encoding"];?>&kind="> Delete
&kind="> Passed |
&kind="> ; Failed |
&kind="> php echo $array["Name of the mother-in-law"];?> |
< php echo $array["Husband's name"];?>
< ;/td> ["Place of pregnancy termination"];?> |
< ;td >
$array["Internal and external birth policy"];?>
> |
< ?php
This code is too ugly ~~~~ Looking for education~~
That’s it. Who can help me arrange the layout? I’ll kneel down and thank you. I really can’t do it~~ It’s too ugly...