<DIV style="width:680px; height:81px;"><UL><LI><A href="#"><img src="uploadfile/liucheng_01.gif" width="146" height="81"></A><A href="#"><img src="uploadfile/liucheng_02.gif" width="112" height="81"></A><img src="uploadfile/liucheng_03.gif" width="251" height="81"><img src="uploadfile/liucheng_04.gif" width="171" height="81"></LI></UL></DIV>
Change it:
<DIV style="width:680px; height:81px;"><UL><LI><A href="#"><img src="uploadfile/liucheng_01.gif" width="146" height="81" border=0></A><A href="#"><img src="uploadfile/liucheng_02.gif" width="112" height="81" border=0></A><img src="uploadfile/liucheng_03.gif" width="251" height="81"><img src="uploadfile/liucheng_04.gif" width="171" height="81"></LI></UL></DIV>
Now you see uppercase tags It's a headache.
Now I have a headache when I see capitalized tags.
1. Capitalizing TAG is not recommended.
Because you did not reset the label style, *{margin:0;padding:0;} only the inner and outer spacing of all labels are 0, which is fine, and we are actually reconstructing the page This attribute of all tags used must be reset in the public style.
Not recommended *{margin:0;padding:0;} It consumes too much resources
What tags are recommended to be used and what to write
Here are some common IE6 bugs
http:/ /www.jqueryba.com/436.html
Because you did not reset the label style, *{margin:0;padding:0;} only the inner and outer spacing of all labels are 0, that’s it, and In fact, when we refactor the page, we must reset this attribute of all tags used in the common style.
2.margin negative value
See uppercase Labels are a headache
Because you haven’t reset the label style. *{margin:0;padding:0;} The inner and outer spacing of all labels is 0, which is fine. In fact, we are When refactoring the page, you must reset this attribute of all tags used in the common style.