Why, my website address:
According to the standard Write CSS and HTML
and understand some direct differences between different browsers
Can you provide some code-level help? Write CSS and HTML according to standards
and understand some direct differences between different browsers
I read your page and have a few suggestions: 1. The html structure of the page is not very clear, and the semantic tags are not very good;
How to modify the website:
1. Add clarity Floating style, add clear floating style to each
.browse_videos_videos .data .details .description {
margin: 10px 0 12px;} Modify margin: 0 0 12px 0;
If you still don’t know how to modify it, you can add my Q1344366251
Thank you. I read your page and have a few suggestions: 1. The structure of the html on the page is not very clear, and the tag semantics are not very good;
How to modify the website:
1. Add clear floats style, add a clear floating style to each
When you write next time, use IE6 to debug. Basically, IE6 will not have any problems. Problems that occur under the browser are easier to solve
Limit the size, interval, and margin of the layer...
55555555555555555... Under various versions of IE, it is terrible!