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Reply to discussion (solution)
Although it is phpcms, this question is actually about html css knowledge
You should ask in the html version , because scaling with the screen seems to be just a % problem, but it involves many other derived problems, such as each div must be adjusted accordingly, so the answer given by the html version of the master is better than here
Although it is phpcms, this question is actually about html css knowledge
You should ask in the html version, because scaling with the screen seems to be just a % problem, but it involves many other derived problems, such as each div must be adjusted accordingly , so the answer given by the html version master is better than here
Does it mean to adjust CSS?
Well, I definitely need to adjust the CSS
LZ, can you just come up with a lot of code, it looks like it will take a long time... Just tell me the problem directly, look at your title, I My understanding is: No matter what screen you want to display, the width of the web page is fixed. In this case, you only need to specify the width. For example, if your width is 500px, then the display will be very small on a very wide screen. The solution is to get a percentage of the screen width when the page is loading, and set this width to the width of your page,