Suppose you create and publish a website. There are many pictures in this website on a certain web page. These pictures all use absolute addresses. I have a question that I would like to ask an expert for help. I don’t know which of the following two statements is correct:
(1) Because the picture is on this website, using absolute address and relative address are the same.
(2) When using absolute addresses, the URL must be re-translated by DNS every time, so browsing takes more time than relative addresses.
If it is a purely static page, you should use relative path strength.
If it is dynamic and editable, I mean pictures. Then you can only use absolute path strength, which is read from the database.
My personal opinion.
Agree with the first floor!
If it is a purely static page, you should use relative path strength.
If it is dynamic and editable, I mean pictures. Then you can only use absolute path strength, which is read from the database.
My personal opinion.
Before the domain name is specified, it is more convenient to use relative paths, and they are generally relative paths.
Thank you for your replies, but I still want to know the answers to my questions.