<p>部分文字的<font color=blue>颜色</font>需要改变!</p>
The color of some text needs to be changed!
The color of some text needs to be changed!
< style type="text/css">
I mean you posted it without even trying it.
If you dare to write the complete code and show it to me, if it achieves the effect, I will post it immediately.
Quoting the reply from bbjbepzz on the 3rd floor:
I mean you posted it without even trying it.
If you dare to write the complete code and show it to me, if it achieves the effect, I will post it immediately.
color of some text needs to be changed!
; I mean you posted it without even trying it.
If you dare to write the complete code and show it to me, if it achieves the effect, I will post it immediately.