I roughly layout the homepage like this, navigation bar (horizontal), then a carousel image, and then display the content below (Give it the abbreviation A).
Made Template page.
How to do the first one?
The second frame is a little bit better, but I don’t want to use a frame. . I want to see if there are other ways to make a template page without pulling
How to do it?
Please give me some advice
DW has its own spry card option panel. This is relatively simple to change and is compatible with all browsers. Or iframe anchor point can also be solved.
Try using javascript
Isn’t this the TAB tab?
For specific reference: http://www.cnblogs.com/yjzhu/archive/2012/12/28/2837593.html
var _li = $("#index_ftopT li"); _li.click(function () { $(this).addClass("hover")//当前<li>元素高亮 .siblings().removeClass("hover"); //去掉其它同辈<li>元素的高亮 var index = _li.index(this); // 获取当前点击的<li>元素 在 全部li元素中的索引。 $("#index_ftopC > ul")//选取子节点。不选取子节点的话,会引起错误。如果里面还有div .eq(index).removeClass("hide")//显示 <li>元素对应的<div>元素 .siblings().addClass("hide"); //隐藏其它几个同辈的<div>元素 })
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Since it is the main navigation bar, I suggest you use the page jump