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Ask for advice: How to nest another drop down list inside a drop down list and get the value_html/css_WEB-ITnose

Release: 2016-06-24 12:19:09
1463 people have browsed it

I recently encountered a technical problem during web front-end development, but I couldn’t find a solution. I would like to ask: How to implement a "parent" drop on the web client side? Nest another "child" drop down list inside the down list and pass the value of the sub-drop-down menu to the upper-level drop-down menu and output

Reply to discussion (solution)

1. The outer drop down list is simulated through other elements such as div
2. Redesign it to make it more reasonable. This situation can be like the common selection of provinces. Select the city and other related options like that

Thank you friends upstairs. Since my experience is very limited, I wonder if I can provide some examples or give a link for reference.

Thank you!

The current situation is as follows:
(1) Running abnormally on firefox;
(2) The value taken from the child dropdownlist, I don’t know how to assign it to the previous dropdownlist (That is, the parent dropdownlist simulated by css and div)

The exercise source code is as follows:


<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">    <head>		<meta charset="UTF-8" />        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> 		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">         <title>Custom Drop-Down List Styling</title>        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />        <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300,400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />		<script type="text/javascript" src="modernizr.custom.79639.js"></script> 		<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="noJS.css" /></noscript>        </head>    <body>        <div class="container">					<!-- Codrops top bar -->            <div class="codrops-top"></div><!--/ Codrops top bar -->						<header>							<h1> </h1>				<h2> </h2>								<nav class="codrops-demos"></nav>							</header>						<section class="main">				<div class="wrapper-demo">					<div id="dd" class="wrapper-dropdown-1" tabindex="1">						<span>Select Contact</span>					    <ul class="dropdown" tabindex="1">					        <li><a href="#">				        	<form>									<select id="myselect">										<option value="1">Ed Bradley</option>										<option value="2">Contact2</option>										<option value="3">Contact3</option>									</select>								</form>                            	</a>                            </li>					        <li><a href="#">				        	<form>									<select id="myselect">        								<option value="0">Select a Saved List</option>										<option value="1">List1</option>										<option value="2">List2</option>										<option value="3">List3</option>									</select>								</form>                            	</a>                            </li>                            <li><a href="#">Active Search - 200 Contacts</a></li>					        <li><a href="#">All Contacts - 70000 Contacts</a></li>					    </ul>					</div>				?</div>			</section>			        </div>		<!-- jQuery if needed -->       <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>		<script type="text/javascript">						function DropDown(el) {				this.dd = el;				this.placeholder = this.dd.children('span');				this.opts = this.dd.find('ul.dropdown > li');				this.val = '';				this.index = -1;				this.initEvents();			}			DropDown.prototype = {				initEvents : function() {					var obj = this;					obj.dd.on('click', function(event){						$(this).toggleClass('active');						return false;					});					obj.opts.on('click',function(){						var opt = $(this);						obj.val = opt.text();						obj.index = opt.index();						obj.placeholder.text('Select Contact: ' + obj.val);					});				},				getValue : function() {					return this.val;				},				getIndex : function() {					return this.index;				}			}			$(function() {				var dd = new DropDown( $('#dd') );				$(document).click(function() {					// all dropdowns					$('.wrapper-dropdown-1').removeClass('active');				});			});					</script>	</body></html>
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@import url('demo.css');@import url('font-awesome.css');/* GLOBALS */*,*:after,*:before {    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;    box-sizing: border-box;    padding: 0;    margin: 0;}::selection {    background: transparent; }::-moz-selection {    background: transparent; }.wrapper-demo {    margin: 60px 0 0 0;    *zoom: 1;    font-weight: 400;}.wrapper-demo:after {    clear: both;    content: "";    display: table;}/* DEMO 1 */.wrapper-dropdown-1 {    /* Size and position */    position: relative; /* Enable absolute positionning for children and pseudo elements */    width: 400px;    padding: 10px;    margin: 0 auto;    /* Styles */    background: #9bc7de;    color: #fff;    outline: none;    cursor: pointer;    /* Font settings */    font-weight: bold;}.wrapper-dropdown-1:after {    content: "";    width: 0;    height: 0;    position: absolute;    right: 16px;    top: 50%;    margin-top: -6px;    border-width: 6px 0 6px 6px;    border-style: solid;    border-color: transparent #fff;    }.wrapper-dropdown-1 .dropdown {    /* Size & position */    position: absolute;    top: 100%;    left: 0;    right: 0;    /* Styles */    background: #fff;    list-style: none;    font-weight: normal; /* Cancels previous font-weight: bold; */    /* Hiding */    opacity: 0;    pointer-events: none;}.wrapper-dropdown-1 .dropdown li a {    display: block;    text-decoration: none;    color: #9e9e9e;    padding: 10px 20px;}/* Hover state */.wrapper-dropdown-1 .dropdown li:hover a {    background: #f3f8f8;}/* Active state */.wrapper-dropdown-1.active .dropdown {    opacity: 1;    pointer-events: auto;}.wrapper-dropdown-1.active:after {    border-color: #9bc7de transparent;    border-width: 6px 6px 0 6px ;    margin-top: -3px;}.wrapper-dropdown-1.active {  background: #9bc7de;  background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,  #9bc7de 0%, #9bc7de 78%, #ffffff 78%, #ffffff 100%);  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%,#9bc7de), color-stop(78%,#9bc7de), color-stop(78%,#ffffff), color-stop(100%,#ffffff));  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,  #9bc7de 0%,#9bc7de 78%,#ffffff 78%,#ffffff 100%);  background: -o-linear-gradient(left,  #9bc7de 0%,#9bc7de 78%,#ffffff 78%,#ffffff 100%);  background: -ms-linear-gradient(left,  #9bc7de 0%,#9bc7de 78%,#ffffff 78%,#ffffff 100%);  background: linear-gradient(to right,  #9bc7de 0%,#9bc7de 78%,#ffffff 78%,#ffffff 100%);  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#9bc7de', endColorstr='#ffffff',GradientType=1 );}/* No CSS3 support */.no-opacity       .wrapper-dropdown-1 .dropdown,.no-pointerevents .wrapper-dropdown-1 .dropdown {    display: none;    opacity: 1; /* If opacity support but no pointer-events support */    pointer-events: auto; /* If pointer-events support but no pointer-events support */}.no-opacity       .wrapper-dropdown-1.active .dropdown,.no-pointerevents .wrapper-dropdown-1.active .dropdown {    display: block;}
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/* General Demo Style */body {	font-family: 'Lato', 'Arial', sans-serif;	background: #ddd url(../images/bg.jpg);	font-weight: 300;	font-size: 15px;	color: #333;	-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;	overflow-y: scroll;	overflow-x: hidden;}a {	color: #555;	text-decoration: none;}.container {	width: 100%;	position: relative;}.clr {	clear: both;	padding: 0;	height: 0;	margin: 0;}.main {	width: 90%;	margin: 0 auto;	position: relative;}.container > header {	margin: 10px;	padding: 20px 10px 10px 10px;	position: relative;	display: block;	text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);    text-align: center;}.container > header h1 {	font-size: 30px;	line-height: 38px;	margin: 0;	position: relative;	font-weight: 300;	color: #666;	text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.7);}.container > header h2 {	font-size: 14px;	font-weight: 300;	margin: 0;	padding: 15px 0 5px 0;	color: #888;	font-family: Cambria, Georgia, serif;	font-style: italic;	text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.9);}/* Header Style */.codrops-top {	line-height: 24px;	font-size: 11px;	background: #fff;	background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);	text-transform: uppercase;	z-index: 9999;	position: relative;	font-family: Cambria, Georgia, serif;	box-shadow: 1px 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);}/* Clearfix hack by Nicolas Gallagher: http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/ */.codrops-top:before,.codrops-top:after {    content: " "; /* 1 */    display: table; /* 2 */}.codrops-top:after {    clear: both}.codrops-top a {	padding: 0px 10px;	letter-spacing: 1px;	color: #333;	display: inline-block;}.codrops-top a:hover {	background: rgba(255,255,255,0.6);}.codrops-top span.right {	float: right;}.codrops-top span.right a {	float: left;	display: block;}/* Demo Buttons Style */.codrops-demos {    text-align:center;	display: block;	line-height: 30px;	padding: 5px 0px;}.codrops-demos a {    display: inline-block;	margin: 0px 4px;	padding: 0px 6px;	color: #aaa;	line-height: 20px;		font-size: 12px;	font-weight: 700;	text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff;	border: 1px solid #fff;	background: #ffffff; /* Old browsers */	background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%, #f6f6f6 47%, #ededed 100%); /* FF3.6+ */	background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#ffffff), color-stop(47%,#f6f6f6), color-stop(100%,#ededed)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */	background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#f6f6f6 47%,#ededed 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */	background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#f6f6f6 47%,#ededed 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */	background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#f6f6f6 47%,#ededed 100%); /* IE10+ */	background: linear-gradient(top, #ffffff 0%,#f6f6f6 47%,#ededed 100%); /* W3C */	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#ededed',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */	box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);}.codrops-demos a:hover {	color: #333;	background: #fff;}.codrops-demos a:active {	background: #fff;}.codrops-demos a.current-demo,.codrops-demos a.current-demo:hover {	background: #f0f0f0;	border-color: #d9d9d9;	color: #aaa;	box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.3);	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#f6f6f6', endColorstr='#f6f6f6',GradientType=0 ); /* IE6-9 */}.support-note span {	color: #ac375d;	font-size: 16px;	display: none;	font-weight: bold;	text-align: center;	padding: 5px 0;}.no-cssanimations .support-note span.no-cssanimations,.no-csstransforms .support-note span.no-csstransforms,.no-csstransforms3d .support-note span.no-csstransforms3d,.no-csstransitions .support-note span.no-csstransitions {	display: block;}
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/* DEMO 1 */.wrapper-dropdown-1:focus .dropdown {    opacity: 1;    pointer-events: auto;}.wrapper-dropdown-1:focus:after {    border-color: #9bc7de transparent;    border-width: 6px 6px 0 6px ;    margin-top: -3px;}
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