Regarding compatibility issues, there are no problems with Safari and Chrome under Mac, and there are basically no problems with Chrome under Windows. There is a problem with IE.
Those four input boxes cannot be displayed normally (displayed horizontally). I hope you can help me figure out where to debug?
I’ve been working on it all afternoon, and I feel dizzy... Beginner learning html made everyone laugh
<style type="text/css"> #check{float: left;width:937px;height:216px;background: url( no-repeat;border:none; margin: auto; position:absolute; } #checkinput{float:left;border:none;width:352px;height:26px;color:#333333;font-size:12px;padding-top: 69px;padding-left: 585px;} #checkbutton1{display:block;width:60px;height: 20px;margin-left: 160px;margin-top:11px;border:none;background:url(;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;} #checkbutton2{display: block;margin-left:231px;margin-top:11px;width:60px;height:20px;border: none;background: url(;cursor: pointer;margin-top: 11px;position:absolute;} input {border: #006837 1px solid; border-top: #006837 1px solid; font-size: 14px; border-left: #006837 1px solid; border-bottom: #006837 1px solid; font-family:"宋体","Verdana"; background: #ffffff;text-align: center;}</style><script language="javascript">function fsubmit(obj){obj.submit();}function freset(obj){obj.reset();}function fwm1_onkeyup() {if (document.formQuery.fwm1.value.length == 4) {document.formQuery.fwm2.focus();}}function fwm2_onkeyup() {if (document.formQuery.fwm2.value.length == 4) {document.formQuery.fwm3.focus();}}function fwm3_onkeyup() {if (document.formQuery.fwm3.value.length == 4) {document.formQuery.fwm4.focus();}}//--></script><div style="width:960px;height:216px;margin:auto;"><div id="check"><div id="checkinput"> <form name="formQuery" method="post" action=""><input type="text" language=javascript onkeyup="return fwm1_onkeyup()" maxLength=4 size=4name=fwm1>-<input type="text" language=javascript onKeyUp="return fwm2_onkeyup()" maxLength=4 size=4name=fwm2>-<input type="text" language=javascript onKeyUp="return fwm3_onkeyup()" maxLength=4 size=4name=fwm3>-<input type="text" maxLength=4 size=4 name=fwm4 ><input id="checkbutton1" type="submit" value="" onClick="javascript:fsubmit(document.formQuery);" ><input id="checkbutton2" type="button" value="" onClick="javascript:freset(document.formQuery);" ></form></div><SCRIPT language=VBscript src="focus.js"></SCRIPT></div></div>
Let’s sit on the sofa and look forward to~
IE is almost vertical. My IE10, IE6, and IE7 are all in a row
IE8 is vertical, which is very strange.
If you remove the width:352px in the #checkinput style, it will be fine. Not sure why. But the positions of the two buttons need to be adjusted.
In addition, margin:auto in IE8 is not guaranteed to be centered. This is a bug in IE8, so you also need to adjust it:
For example, the outermost div:
<div style="width:960px;height:216px;margin: auto; text-align:center;">
If you remove the width:352px in the #checkinput style, it will be fine. Not sure why. But the positions of the two buttons need to be adjusted.
In addition, margin:auto in IE8 cannot guarantee that the centering will take effect. This is a bug of IE8, so you also need to adjust it:
For example, the outermost div:
<div style="width:960px;height:216px;margin: auto; text-align:center;">