html map
The following code will still close the web page, please give me some advice, thank you!<img border="0" src="http://xxxx.jpg" usemap="#mymap" /><map name="mymap"><area coords="516,2551,613,2575" target="_blank" href="" shape="rect" /></map>
This is an open link
written as
open Same
coords The coordinate value is too large. So there is no response when clicking. Try turning it down a little.
<img border="0" src="" usemap="#mymap" /><map name="mymap"> <area shape="circle" coords="180,139,14" href ="" target="_blank" alt="Venus" /> <area shape="circle" coords="129,161,10" href ="" target="_blank" alt="Mercury" /> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,110,260" href ="" target="_blank" alt="Sun" /></map>
coords coordinate value is too large. So there is no response when clicking. Try turning it down a little.
<img border="0" src="" usemap="#mymap" /><map name="mymap"> <area shape="circle" coords="180,139,14" href ="" target="_blank" alt="Venus" /> <area shape="circle" coords="129,161,10" href ="" target="_blank" alt="Mercury" /> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,110,260" href ="" target="_blank" alt="Sun" /></map>