This post was last edited by jieisme on 2014-01-02 16:15:21
<br> This way<br>
<br> That way<br>
< ;/HTML
The display result is as follows:
This way
That way
Problems that occur:
Question: In terms of display effect, Yeah! !!Why are there two extra blank lines above and below this line?
Reply to discussion (solution)
Why does the
tag appear as a blank line? </p> <p class="sougouAnswer"> Why does the page have extra blank lines above/below the <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"> content when there is text above or below it? </p> <p class="sougouAnswer"> Please enlighten me. <br> Or you can try it: <br> <ul> <br> <li>Chapter 1<br> <li>Chapter 2<br> </ul> <br> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"> <br> test test test <br>
The effect shows: 2 blank lines will appear between Chapter 2 and test test test lines.
Now I want to use the pre tag and only have a blank line appear. What should I do?