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Learning Day 12@div css_html/css_WEB-ITnose

Release: 2016-06-24 12:31:57
1197 people have browsed it


Data annotations

By the way, you can build your own validation properties (we'll talk about that later), but [Required] is System.ComponentModel .DataAnnotations One of many standard validation properties present in the assembly. Figure 3 shows the complete list of validation properties in the annotated assembly.

Figure 3 Validation attributes in annotation assembly












指定与某个数据字段关联的附加类型的名称(一个 DataType 枚举值,如 EmailAddress、Url 或 Password)。

Description td>
StringLength Specifies the maximum length of a string allowed in the data field.
Required The specified data field value is required.
RegularExpression The specified data field value must match the specified regular expression.
Range Specify the numerical range limit of the data field value.
DataType Specifies the name of an additional type associated with a data field (a DataType enumeration value, such as EmailAddress, Url or Password).

这些数据注释属性已迅速在 Microsoft .NET Framework 中普遍存在。您不仅可以在 ASP.NET MVC 应用程序中使用这些属性,而且 ASP.NET 动态数据、Silverlight 和 Silverlight RIA 服务也理解它们。


Css li是使用css来控制li的样式-css列表,如li列表的以点为开头,或图片开头的列表形式。


  • 标签是用于定义列表项目。
  • 标签可用在有序列表 (
      ) 和无序列表 (
        ) 中。

            1. div+css范例

            2. div+css范例之li

            • div+css范例

            • div+css范例之li


            Css li实例,li,ol li,ul li的用法



            简单讲CSS父级 CSS子级是相对而言,如一个DIV“A”被另外一个DIV “B”包裹着,这样我们就可以让我B是A父级,同样一个道理

            举例说明: -  TOP
            DIV CSS 父级子级说明例子:
            .yangshi .yangshi_a{ ...}
            .yangshi .yangshi_b{ ...}




            以上div+css代码这里我们就可以认为 yangshi_a父级(上一级)是yangshi。
            这样我们就可以利用CSS指针属性在div css中,最终CSS样式可以有相同命名的属性选择器的,但是赋予不同的值。
            这样我们通过.yangshi .yangshi_a一看即可知道yangshi_a的父级是yangshi


            什么是CSS指针?这里指针是指属于与被属于的关系 如.yangshi .yangshi_a{...}
            对于yangshi_a是yangshi 指向的样式

            我们可以作1个实验来理解此CSS 指针 是什么
            原CSS div样式
            .yangshi{ width:300px; height:50px; border:1px solid #F00; margin:0 auto; text-align:right;}
            .yangshi .yangshi_a{ float:left; width:30px; border:1px dashed #333;}
            .yangshi .yangshi_b{ float:right; width:50px; border:1px dashed #333;}



            Note: The parent should be defined outside, and the child definition should be written inside the parent.


            We often use !important css hack to distinguish the recognition of CSS attributes by browsers such as IE6 and IE7. And we need to know that using CSS important is a CSS demonstration with this word for IE7 priority recognition.

            For example: color:#F00 !important; color:#00F These two have the same font color control. Generally speaking, the browser reads from left to right, and the IE browser will read these two The last color of the color is color: #00F to display the text color of the web page, but in IE7, the color of color: #F00 !important; will be displayed. This is because IE7's unique recognition supports important and the priority introduces the important setting CSS of the same CSS attribute. Style attributes.

            We often use this important to distinguish the css hacks of IE7 from other browsers.


            Display:block is what we commonly use, and block is also the default value of Display.
            Explanation: The subsequent content of this object wraps automatically.
            css display block example
            CSS code:

            Html corresponding application code:
            My back The text will wrap I was wrapped by the previous divcss5 corresponding CSS attribute.
            will not be wrapped because I have not set display:block

            Corresponding result screenshot:

            Explanation that span is used as an example here, and one is set CSS style, if it is not set, can be compared to the object whose DIV display:block style is set. The subsequent content is wrapped.

            The none value of this display is often used by us to hide object content. The hidden object will not occupy its own inherent width and height space.
            For details, see CSS hidden explanation: http://www.divcss5.com/jiqiao/j55.html

            Display:inline, we often use it in li. The function is to line up li in a row (called: delete rows).
            Next we will demonstrate the comparison between an unset li list and a set css Display inline style.

            Css code
            ul.divcss5 li{display:inline}
            Explanation: ul.divcss5 corresponds to li css style attribute is display:inline

            Html corresponding code:

            • My parent ul does not have divcss5 style

            • I am alone

            • I am alone< /li>

            • My parent ul has divcss5 style

            • < ;li>I stand in a row
            • I stand in a row under dicss5


            Pictures with borders

            According to the above picture, we added a link to the picture, and as a result, the picture had a border,


            We only need to initialize IMG tag CSS can be

            img{ padding:0; border:0;} Add this CSS to eliminate the border

            The picture exceeds the size of the DIV
            We often encounter the problem due to a The image is too wide and exceeds the width we set.
            Use CSS control to change the width of the object IMG tag. If the object is .yangshi and set the width to 500px, then we only need to set .yangshi img{max-width:500px;}. But in IE6 max-width is invalid, so our best solution is to set the width when uploading the image, so that the width of the image itself is smaller than the width set in the place. This feels very troublesome, but many large websites solve it this way. , firstly, it can avoid breaking the set width, and secondly, it can reduce the image size so that the browser can open the webpage faster.

            1. There are inevitably pictures in a web page. At this time, we need to initialize the img tag: img{ padding:0; border:0;}
            2. Avoid pictures that are too wide. To break the web page, we recommend cutting the image to be smaller than the set width when uploading the image. At the same time, you can also add the overflow:hidden attribute to the object, that is, hiding the excess content including the image.

            Demonstration result picture:

            Description: Set the css to the li object of display:inline, the li objects are arranged in a row, and the unset li list object still inherits the original CSS of its own line. style.


            The span inside the div does not need to be named css selector pseudo-class, the example is as follows
            If the class of the div is yangshi, then set the css attribute for the span inside, the code is as follows
            .yanshi span{attributes and attribute values}
            Illustration example demonstration effect - TOP

            Analysis of the above picture: It can be concluded that span does not need to name pseudo-class names and directly uses css to inherit attributes To set css styles on span. Here, the style within the div originally set the text in blue, but through inheritance, the style of the span was set to red.


            Why should CSS properties be abbreviated?
            1. Simplify the code. Some CSS property abbreviations can reduce CSS code, thereby reducing the bytes occupied by CSS files, speeding up web page download speeds and web page loading and opening speeds.
            2. Optimize CSS purpose. One of the CSS optimizations is to simplify the code abbreviation CSS property code.

            1、CSS 文本:font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height:22px;即可简写缩写为font:12px/22px bold Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
            2、CSS 背景:background-color:#F00;background-image:url(图片地址);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat; 即可将背景CSS属性缩写为:background:#F00 url(图片地址) no-repeat left bottom;www.divcss5.com缩写介绍。
            3、CSS 内补距(CSS padding):padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:20px; 即可缩写为padding:5px 20px 10px 15px; 或padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px;缩写为padding:5px 10px;
            4、CSS 外边距(CSS margin):margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:10px; margin-left:15px; margin-right:20px; 即可缩写为margin:5px 20px 10px 15px; 或margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; margin-left:10px; margin-right:10px;缩写为margin:5px 10px;
            5、CSS 边框:border-left:1px solid #000;border-right:1px solid #000;border-top:1px solid #000;border-bottom:1px solid #000;即可缩写为:border:1px solid #000;




            首先我们可以分析出我们DIV CSS布局重构此页面结构框架,我们可以看出是 上、中、下结构,其中又包括了左右结构。

            由此我们就要写此页面CSS和html时候就先从上到下 从外到内原则写css与html。



            4、使用link引用外部CSS文件 推荐此方法



            我是div css测试内容-www.divcss5.com支持
            The effect is as shown below

            2. Insert the style statement in the head part of the html header as follows:

            3. Use @import to reference external CSS files

            Use link to call external css file
            Place to call the external wcss.css file to implement the html reference css file

            This method does not require the style tag, but Directly refer to external styles by linking a style
            It is generally recommended to use link to refer to external css style methods.


            CSS can achieve effects and features

            (1) It can be used on almost all browsers.
            (2) Some functions that had to be implemented through image conversion in the past can now be easily implemented using CSS, thereby downloading the page faster.
            (3) Make the fonts on the page more beautiful and easier to arrange, making the page truly pleasing to the eye.
            (4) You can easily control the layout of the page.
            (5) You can update the styles and formats of many web pages at the same time, instead of updating them page by page. You can use a CSS file to control the style of all web pages on the site. As long as the corresponding lines in the CSS file are modified, all pages of the entire site will change accordingly. Think about it, how did we control the color and size of fonts and the fonts used before using CSS? We generally use HTML tags to achieve this, and the code is very cumbersome. It is hard to imagine that if the font color and size need to be changed frequently on a page, the length of the HTML code generated must be bloated. To be honest, CSS was born to simplify such work, but of course its function is by no means that simple. Combining DIV CSS is to control the style attributes of the entire page through the idea of ​​style control of the page structure. The browser renders CSS properties through CSS class interpretation to express the style set in the style.


            The standardized use of DIV CSS naming rules in web page production can improve the optimization effect, especially during teamwork, which can provide collaborative production efficiency. The specific DIV CSS naming rules and CSS naming rules are as follows:
            Head of page: header Such as: #header {Attribute: attribute value;} or .header{Attribute: attribute value;}, maybe you need to know the difference and usage between class and id
            Login bar: loginBar Login: logo Sidebar: sideBar
            Advertisement: banner Navigation: nav Sub-navigation: subNav
            Menu: menu Sub-menu: subMenu Search: search
            Scroll: scroll Page body: main Content: content
            Tab: tab            Article list: list        Prompt message: msg
            小Tips: tips Column title: title Join: joinus
            Guide: guild Service: service Hotspot: hot
            News: news Download: download Registration: regsiter
            Status: status Button: btn Vote: vote
            Cooperation Partner: partner Friendly link: friendLink Footer: footer
            Copyright: copyRight
            Commonly used tags div, h1, h2, h3, h4, span, em, b, strong, font, u
            1.CSS Name of ID
            Coat: wrap Main navigation: mainNav Sub-navigation: subnav
            Footer: footer Whole page: content Header: header
            Copyright: copyRight Trademark: label Title: title
            Main Navigation :mainNav(globalNav) Top navigation: topnav
            Side navigation: sidebar Left navigation: leftsideBar Right navigation: rightsideBar
            Flag: logo Slogan: banner Menu content 1: menu1Content
            Menu capacity: menuContainer Submenu: submenu
            Side navigation icon: sidebarIcon Notes: note
            BreadCrumb (i.e. navigation prompt of the page location)
            Container: container Content: content Search: search
            Login: login Ribbon: shop( Such as shopping cart, checkout)
            current: current

            DIV CSS naming summary: whether you use "." (lowercase period) to select the symbol to start naming, or use "#" (pound sign) to select the symbol It doesn’t matter how you name it at the beginning, but we’d better follow the rule that the main, important, special, and outermost boxes should be named with the “#” (pound sign) selection symbol, and the others should be named with “.” (lowercase period) selection symbol. Begin naming, and consider reusing calls to named CSS selectors in HTML.

            、content (内容区)、footer(页脚、底部)、logo(标志、可以配合h1标签使用)、banner(广告条,一般在顶部)、copyRight(版权)。其它可根据自己需要选择性使用。



            主要的 master.css
            布局,版面 layout.css
            专栏 columns.css
            文字 font.css
            打印样式 print.css
            主题 themes.css


            PHP:DEDECMS 、PHPCMS、帝国、PHP168、HBcms宏博








            Div css 页面中的ID是怎么个用法呢?
            通常我们在CSS样式定义的时候 以“#”来开头命名id名称如:#css5{属性:属性值;} 这个也有点像class的定义,只是class是以小写句号“.”开头命名,而ID是以“#”好开头定义。那id是怎么个用法呢? Css里的ID用法与class用法一样,只是把class换成id。如例子:在CSS样式定义ID --- #css5{height:25px;width: 200px;} ,调用ID ---





            If you are working with ASP.NET MVC 3 and the new Razor View Engine, you probably stumbled upon the fact that with Razor everyting is HTML encoded and the concept of Html Encoding Nuggets don't exist in Razor. This is actually a good thing as there is a lot of confusion about when and when not to use those nuggets in the WebForms View Engine. For security reasons you really always want everything HTML encoded and want to make it an extra explict effort to not HTML encode something.

            Therefore with the Razor View Engine when you pass a string to the response stream that includes HTML tags, the tags will be HTML encoded and show up in the browser as such:

            As discussed in the previous HtmlString and IHtmlString tutorial, you can get around this HTML encoding by wrapping the string with the class HtmlString. You can go ahead and manually construct your own HtmlString or use a built in HtmlHelper in ASP.NET MVC 3, called Html.Raw, that does the exact same thing.

            In this case the HTML tags won't be encoded, but instead become part of the HTML in the source of the page.

            In conclusion, now that everything associated with the Razor View Engine in ASP.NET MVC 3 and ASP.NET Web Pages is HTML encoded when sent to the browser, you need to use HtmlString or another implementation of IHtmlString that allows you to skip HTML encoding when appropriate. In most cases, you will find HTML Helpers, like Html.Raw, that use HtmlString behind the scenes for you.




                    public ActionResult Login(FormCollection form)

                         string userid=form["userID"];

                         return view();













            1. 如何获得数据?


            2. 如何实现级联?



            (1) 新建两个控件



            事实上javascript: 可以省略,直接按js普通的书写形式就可。



  • Among them, ViewBag.deliveryTypes needs to be passed in the corresponding action in the Controller. Note that ViewBag can only be used once, so it is necessary to assign values ​​to ViewBag.delivertyTypes frequently (check which action it is!).

    ViewBag.deliveryTypes = context.DeliveryTypes.Where(x => x.ParentId == null).ToList();

    Next, the most important thing is to write the onchange function:

    //Executed when the first-level drop-down list changes

    function changeDeliveryType(typeId) {


    url: "/PurchaseApply/ ChangeDeliveryType/",

    type: "post",


    success: function(data,status){

    var html = "";





    This is an ajaxAPI Use it directly and explain a few parameters:

    url:”/controller name/action name/”

    type:post The way to access the web page is post

    data: { typeId:typeId} The Json writing method is the same as the parameter typeId passed in by changeDeliveryType (typeId)

    success: function(data, status){} is also the Json writing method, a function is used as a parameter, and the implementation of the function is Write in the parameter list: parse the value passed in by data, and construct the options of the secondary drop-down list deliveryTypeLowerLevel. The format of this data value must be formulated by yourself. For example, in this example, the format of each item is set as: "value1-name1 , value2-name2...", for details, see the Action defined in the url:

    //Method executed when changing the first-level drop-down list

    public ActionResult ChangeDeliveryType(FormCollection collection)


    int typeId = int.Parse(collection["typeId"]);

    //int typeId = 14;

    List deliveryTypes = context. DeliveryTypes.Where(x => >{

    typeLists = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeLists) ? "" : ",") type.DeliveryTypeId "-" type.Name;


    ViewBag. obj = typeLists;

    return View("_PicUp");


    Note: View can pass values ​​to controller through FormCollection collection, and Action requires a return value , so a View must be returned in the end, which is set as _PicUp.cshtml. Since other controllers may also use such a page, _PicUp.cshtml can be placed in the Share directory.

    Note: $("#deliveryTypeLowerLevel").html(html);

    Do not add a period after this $. This is a mistake that beginners may make. It takes a long time to adjust to find errors. We know that a can be written directly as . In fact, there are other ways to achieve it. Here is an example. You can pass a string html and achieve the goal. .


    Displayed when there is a subcategory, hidden when there is no subcategory:

    //Executed when the delivery method first-level drop-down list changes

    function changeDeliveryType(typeId) {


    url: "/PurchaseApply/ChangeDeliveryType/",

    type: "post",

    data: { typeId: typeId },

    success: function (data, status) {

    if (data != "rn") {//ajax default null value is Combination of "carriage return and line feed"

    var html = "