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DIV CSS web page layout_html/css_WEB-ITnose

Release: 2016-06-24 12:32:11
1278 people have browsed it

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Preface: In order to make it easier for everyone to learn CSS, my friend Ling Yucao spent some time making a convenient txt tutorial for everyone. In fact, the main thing about div css layout is knowing how to use css. Once you learn the
tutorial he wrote, there is nothing you won’t understand about the general div css layout. In addition, if you make more examples yourself, you can use them. Hehe, these are some basic technologies for Xiaoxia to learn.

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What? Is a style sheet:
CSS is the abbreviation of Cascading Style Sheet. Translated as "Cascading Style Sheets". Is a markup language used for (enhanced) control over web page styles and allows the separation of style information from web page content.

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How to add a style sheet to your web page:
You can use the following three A way to add a style sheet to your web pages. The style definition closest to the target has higher priority. A high-priority style will inherit the non-overlapping definitions of the low-priority style but override the overlapping definitions. See the !important declaration for exceptions.
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One. You can first create an external style sheet file (.css) and then use the HTML link object. An example is as follows:

Document title

Two. Define internal style block object >

Three. Inline definition

This line is added with left and right outer patches

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1. Font:

font-family: "宋体";


font-style: inherit;/*normal*/


font- style: oblique;/*Italic*/
font-style:inherit;/*Inherit parent object properties by default*/
font-weight:lighter;/*Font weight, equivalent to 400*/
font-weight:900;/*Font weight*/
font-weight:bold;/*Bold, equivalent to 700, equivalent to*/
font-weight:bolder;/* Ratio normal >thick*/
font-weight:lighter;/*than normal >thiner*/
text-decoration:overline;/* Default value*/
text-decoration:inherit;/* Default inheritance of parent object properties*/
text-decoration:blink;/* blink*/
text-decoration:line-through;/*through line */
line-height: normal;/*default line height*/
line-height:21px;/*21px high*/
letter-spacing: 2px;/*font spacing*/
word-spacing:2px;/*English font spacing*/

2. Text:

text-align:left;/*text-aligned left*/
text-align:right;/*text-aligned right*/
text-align: center;/*text aligned center*/
text-align:inherit;/*Default parent object’s properties*/
text-align:justify;/*Text-aligned at both ends*/
text-indent:inherit;/*Default parent object’s properties* /
text-indent:10px;/*Text indent 10 pixels*/
vertical-align: middle;/*Vertical center alignment*/
word-wrap: break-word;/*Pure English Letters will also wrap*/
3. Background:
background-attachment:fixed;/*Background fixed*/
background-attachment:scroll;/*Background scroll*/
background-color: #ffffff;/*Background color*/
background-image:url(untitled-1.gif);/*Background image*/
background-position:center;/*Background image centered*/
background-repeat:no-repeat;/*Background image does not repeat*/
background:transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%/*Default value*/

4. Positioning
position:absolute;/*Absolute positioning; does not take up space; can overlap*/
position:relative;/*static positioning; stores space; does not overlap*/
position:static;/*default value*/
z-index: auto;/*Default the attributes of your object*/
z-index:1;/*Put it on the first layer (you can look at photoshop’s layers)*/
top :auto;/*default*/

5. Size

max-height:200px;/*Maximum height*/
min-height:100px;/*minimum height*/
  max-height:200px;/** /

6. Layout

clear:both;/*Clear floats on both sides*/
float:left;/*Left float*/
overflow:visible;/*Default. Display all */
overflow:hidden;/*Do not display content that exceeds the size*/
display:block;/*As a block object*/
display:inline;/*As an inline object */
visibility: visible;/*Display object*/

7. Internal and external patches, pseudo-objects, borders, lists


a:visited{};/*After clicked*/
a:hover{};/*When pointed*/
a:active{};/*Occurs between click and release*/
a:focus {};/*When input focus is obtained, */

border:1px solid #FF0000;

             list-style-image: url("images/ie.gif"); /*In the text*/
list-style-type: disc/*solid circle*/

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Compatible browser method:

Common method 1:



width: 100px!important; /* IE7 mozillafirefox */
width: 80px; /* IE6 */
margin:0 0 3px !important;margin:0 0 10px/* The front is IE7 mozillafirefox, the back is IE6 */
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Common method 2:

#1 { color: #333; } /* mozillafirefox */

* html #1 { color: #666; } /* IE6 * /

* html #1 { color: #999; } /* IE7 */
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Common method 3 [display html css]:

1. Recognized by all except IE

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Things to note: Understand inheritance. Remember to clear the floats at both ends and use regular attributes. If you know the above, you have already learned CSS. http://validator.w3.org/ Go to this website to check whether it is a qualified xhmtl language. Author: Ling Yucao QQ: 477764498 E-mail: lingyucao@yahoo.cn

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****************************************** *************************************************** ********************************* If you want to be a master, look down at css writing! A little bit, not so good Used to debug bugs.

1.ul’s default width is width:auto;

2. Clear the floating layer and add line-height:0px;font-size:0px;
3. Remember in body There are fonts
4. Clear the floating layer and make sure it does not have height: 0px;
5. Do not use padding for layers with width and height.
6. Do not use width: auto width for layers without width and height by default. :100%
7.width:100%,height:100% completely fills the parent object. width100% occasionally has problems with IE5
8.height:auto targets elements within the current object. width:100% for the parent object.

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1. CSS font attribute abbreviation rules Generally, this is how to set font attributes with CSS:


font-varient :small-caps;

But you can also write them all Go to a line:

font: bold italic small-caps 1em/1.5em verdana,sans-serif;

Really good! Just one caveat: this shorthand method only works when both the font-size and font-family properties are specified. Also, if you don't set font-weight, font-style, and font-variant, they will use default values, so keep this in mind.

2. Use two classes at the same time

Generally, only one class (Class) can be set for an element, but this does not mean that two cannot be used. In fact, you can do this:

Give the P element two classes at the same time, separated by spaces. In this way, all attributes of the text and side classes will be added to the P element. If there is a conflict between the attributes in the two classes, the one set later will take effect, that is, the attributes of the class placed later in the CSS file will take effect.

Supplement: For an ID, you cannot write


nor can you write

3. Default value of CSS border

You can usually set the color, width and style of the border, such as:

border: 3px solid #000



4. CSS用于文档打印




但应该在打印CSS中写什么东西呢?你可以按设计普通CSS的方法来设定它。设计的同时就可以把这个CSS设成显示CSS来检查它的效果。也许你会使用 display: none 这个命令来关掉一些装饰图片,再关掉一些导航按钮。要想了解更多,可以看“打印差异”这一篇。

5. 图片替换技巧





Buy widgets


h1 { background: url(widget-image.gif) no-repeat; height: image height text-indent: -2000px }

注意把image height换成真的图片的高度。这里,图片会当作背景显示出来,而真正的文字由于设定了-2000像素这个缩进,它们会出现在屏幕左边2000点的地方,就看不见了。但这对于关闭图片的人来说,可能全部看不到了,这点要注意。

6. CSS box模型的另一种调整技巧


#box { width: 100px; border: 5px; padding: 20px }




#box { width: 150px } #box div { border: 5px; padding: 20px }



7. 块元素居中对齐


#content { width: 700px; margin: 0 auto }



body { text-align: center } #content { text-align: left; width: 700px; margin: 0 auto }

这会把网页内容都居中,所以在Content中又加入了:text-align: left 。

8. 用CSS来处理垂直对齐

垂直对齐用表格可以很方便地实现,设定表格单元 vertical-align: middle 就可以了。但对CSS来说这没用。如果你想设定一个导航条是2em高,而想让导航文字垂直居中的话,设定这个属性是没用的。

CSS方法是什么呢?对了,把这些文字的行高设为 2em:line-height: 2em ,这就可以了。

9. CSS在容器内定位


#container { position: relative }


If you want to position it 30 points from the left and 5 points from the top, you can do this:

#navigation { position: absolute; left: 30px; top: 5px }

Of course, you can also do this:

margin: 5px 0 0 30px

Note that the order of the 4 numbers is: top, right, bottom, left. Of course, sometimes positioning rather than margins is better.

10. The background color that goes straight to the bottom of the screen

is controlled in the vertical direction and cannot be controlled by CSS. If you want the navigation bar to go straight to the bottom of the page like the content bar, it is very convenient to use a table, but if you only use CSS like this:

#navigation { background: blue; width: 150px }

A shorter navigation bar will not go straight to the bottom, it will end when the content ends halfway. What to do?

Unfortunately, the only way to cheat is to add a background image to the shorter column, with the same width as the column width, and make it the same color as the set background color.

body { background: url(blue-image.gif) 0 0 repeat-y }

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Use line-height to center vertically


Use a fixed-width container and need one line vertically When centering, just use line-height (the height is the same as the parent layer container). For more vertical centering summary, you can see here.

Clear container floats

#main {



This issue was also mentioned before. For more information, see here.

Do not allow links to wrap

a {



The above settings can prevent links from wrapping, but Personally, I suggest that long links will have a corresponding line (for discussion on line breaks, see the record in the center of the circle).

Always make Firefox show scrollbars

html {



More Mozilla/Firefox private CSS Properties can be found here. For cross-browser support, you can also use

body, html {



to center the block element horizontally

margin:0 auto;

In fact, it is

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;

This technique is basically known in all CSS textbooks There is a description, don't forget to add a width to it. You can also use


text-align: center;


and then define the inner container

text-align: left;


Hide the scroll bar of the Explorer textarea

textarea {



Explor textarea will have a vertical scroll bar by default (don’t ask me why).

Set printing paging

h2 {



The page-break-before attribute can set the page break when printing a web page. Pagination.

Remove the dotted box on the link

a:active, a:focus {



Firefox will get focus on the link by default (or when clicked) Add a dotted frame, which can be deleted using the properties above.

The simplest CSS reset

* {

margin: 0; padding: 0



body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: center; } 
#content { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: 400px; width: 370px; }

body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: center;} 
#content-top { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: 400px; width: 370px;} 
#content-end {margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: 400px; width: 370px;}

body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: center; } 
#content-top { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: 400px; width: 370px; } 
#content-mid { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: 400px; width: 370px; } 
#content-end { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: 400px; width: 370px; }

#bodycenter { width: 700px;margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;overflow: auto; } 
#bodycenter #dv1 {float: left;width: 280px;} 
#bodycenter #dv2 {float: right;width: 410px;}

#header{ width: 700px; margin-right: auto;margin-left: auto; overflow: auto;} 
#bodycenter { width: 700px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; overflow: auto; } 
#bodycenter #dv1 { float: left; width: 280px;} 
#bodycenter #dv2 { float: right;width: 410px;}

#header{ width: 700px;margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } 
#bodycenter {width: 700px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } 
#bodycenter #dv1 { float: left;width: 280px;} 
#bodycenter #dv2 { float: right; width: 410px;} 
#footer{ width: 700px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; overflow: auto; }

#left { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 120px; } 
#middle {margin: 20px 190px 20px 190px; } 
#right {position: absolute;top: 0px; right: 0px; width: 120px;}



#wrap{ width:100%; height:auto;} 
#column{ float:left; width:60%;} 
#column1{ float:left; width:30%;} 
#column2{ float:right; width:30%;} 
#column3{ float:right; width:40%;} 
.clear{ clear:both;}



This is the main content.


This is the left sidebar.


body {margin: 0;padding-left: 200px;padding-right: 190px;min-width: 240px;} 
.column {position: relative;float: left;} 
#center {width: 100%;} 
#left {width: 180px; right: 240px;margin-left: -100%;} 
#right {width: 130px;margin-right: -100%;}



#header{width:100%; height:auto;} 
#wrap{ width:100%; height:auto;} 
#column{ float:left; width:60%;} 
#column1{ float:left; width:30%;} 
#column2{ float:right; width:30%;} 
#column3{ float:right; width:40%;} 
.clear{ clear:both;}



#header{width:100%; height:auto;} 
#wrap{ width:100%; height:auto;} 
#column{ float:left; width:60%;} 
#column1{ float:left; width:30%;} 
#column2{ float:right; width:30%;} 
#column3{ float:right; width:40%;} 
.clear{ clear:both;} 
#footer{width:100%; height:auto;}





This kind of layout can easily lead to expansion box problems.

Try to define the width and height given values

* Float drop problem

Add {float: left ;} Just ```

IE6 double margin BUG

The solution is to add display:inline

Why is there a gap below the picture in IE6

There are many ways to solve this BUG. You can change the layout of the html, or set the img to display:block or set the vertical-align attribute to vertical-align:top | bottom |middle |text-bottom.

Why is there a gap between these two layers under IE6

This 3PX BUG of IE also often occurs. The solution is to float .right with float:left or define it relative to IE6. left

How to align the text with the text input box

When encountering this problem, just set the vertical-align:middle of the text box and it will be fine

Why the text cannot be supported under FF The height of the open container

Containers with a fixed height value in standard browsers will not be opened like in IE6. So if I want to fix the height and want it to be opened, how should I set it? The way is to remove the height and set min-height:200px; here, in order to take care of IE6 that does not know min-height, it can be defined like this:
min- height:200px;

How to make the layer display on top of FLASH

The solution is to set transparency for FLASH Or

How to center a layer vertically in the browser

Use percent absolute positioning, with negative values ​​outside the patch method, the size of the negative value is its own width and height divided by two.

Method 2: First define TEXT-ALIGN: center in the parent element; this means that the content within the parent element is centered; This setting is enough for IE.
But it cannot be centered in mozilla. The solution is to add "MARGIN-RIGHT: auto;MARGIN-LEFT: auto; " when setting the child element definition
It should be noted that if you want to use this method to center the entire page, it is recommended not to Set in a DIV, you can split multiple divs in sequence.
Just define MARGIN-RIGHT: auto;MARGIN-LEFT: auto; in each split div.


For firefox ie6 ie7 css style

Nowadays, most of them use !important to hack, and it can be displayed normally in ie6 and firefox tests.
But ie7 can interpret !important correctly, which will cause the page not to be displayed as required! I found a
good hack for IE7 by using “* html”. Now browse it with IE7 and there should be no problem.
Now write a CSS like this:

#1 { color: #333; } /* Moz */
* html #1 { color: #666; } /* IE6 */
* html #1 { color: #999; } /* IE7 */
Then the font color is displayed as #333 under firefox, #666 under IE6, and #999 under IE7.

Minimum width of the page

min-width is a very convenient CSS command. It can specify that the minimum width of an element cannot be smaller than a certain width, so that the layout can always be correct. But IE doesn't recognize this,
and it actually treats width as the minimum width. In order to make this command work on IE, you can put a

under the tag, and then specify a class for the div:
Then design the CSS like this:
#container{ min -width: 600px; width:expression(document.body.clientWidth < 600? "600px": "auto" );}
The first min-width is normal; but the width in line 2 uses Javascript , which is only recognized by IE, which will also make your HTML document less formal. It actually implements the minimum width through Javascript judgment.

Attribute selector (this is not considered compatible, it is a bug in hiding css)

This is for IE6.0 and IE6 Versions below .0 are hidden. The functions of FF and OPera
There are still differences between attribute selectors and sub-selectors. The scope of sub-selectors is narrowed in form, while the scope of attribute selectors is relatively large, such as p[id ], all p tags with ids are of the same style.

The most ruthless method - !important;

If there is really no way to solve some detailed problems, you can use In this method, FF will automatically parse "!important" first, but IE will ignore it.

About the inclusive relationship of the container

Many times, especially when there are parallel layouts in the container, such as two , three float divs, the width is prone to problems. In IE, the width of the outer layer will be squeezed by the wider inner div. Be sure to use Photoshop or Firework to measure with pixel-level accuracy.

1. Write two lines of code to control an attribute to distinguish Firefox from IE:

background:orange; *background:green;

//This sentence When the code is written, if you browse it with Firefox, you will find that the background is orange, but it is green in IE. It is very simple, because Firefox cannot recognize *, but IE6 and IE7 can recognize *. Standard browsers (such as Firefox, Opera, Netscape) does not recognize *;.

2. Write two lines of code to control an attribute to distinguish IE7 from IE6:

background:green !important;background:blue;

//When this code is written and you browse it with IE7, you will find that the background of the area where the code is written is green. If you use IE6 When browsing, it is blue. This is because IE7 can recognize !important*. Once recognized, it is executed, ignoring the following sentence. However, IE6 cannot recognize !important, so the previous part is skipped and executed directly. The second half.

3. Write three lines of code to control an attribute to distinguish between Firefox, IE7, and IE6:
background:orange;*background:green !important;*background:blue;

//This sentence will cause the background to be orange in Firefox, green in IE7, and blue in IE6. The reason is the same as before. Firefox cannot recognize *, so the next two sentences are not executed, and the second sentence is executed directly. Of course, IE7 can also execute the first line of code, but because it can also recognize the second sentence, it executes the second sentence of code and filters out the previous effect. However, IE7 cannot recognize the last sentence. . IE6 cannot recognize !imprtant. It originally ran the first sentence of code, but the second sentence cannot be recognized, so it naturally executes the last sentence.

Note: IE can recognize *; standard browsers (such as Firefox, Opera, Netscape) cannot recognize *; IE6 can recognize *, but not !important, IE7 can recognize *, and can also recognize !important ;FF cannot recognize *, but can recognize !important;

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