TopStyle Pro v3.11
CSS是Cascading Style Sheets(层叠样式表)的缩写。是一种对web文档添加样式的简单机制,属于表现层的布局语言。
颜色值可以用RGB值写,例如:color : rgb(255,0,0),也可以用十六进制写,就象上面例子color:#FF0000。如果十六进制值是成对重复的可以简写,效果一样。例如:#FF0000可以写成#F00。但如果不重复就不可以简写,例如#FC1A1B必须写满六位。
body { font-family : "Lucida Grande", Verdana, Lucida, Arial, Helvetica, 宋体,sans-serif; }
当几个元素样式属性一样时,可以共同调用一个声明,元素之间用逗号分隔,: p, td, li { font-size : 12px ; }
li strong { font-style : italic; font-weight : normal;}
Then define it like this in the style sheet:
where "menubar" is the id name you defined yourself. Note the "#" sign in front.
The id selector also supports derivation, for example:
#menubar p { text-align : right; margin-top : 10px; }
This method Mainly used to define layers and elements that are more complex and have multiple derived elements.
7. Category selectorUse a dot in CSS to indicate the category selector definition, for example:
.14px {color : #f60 ;font-size:14px ;}
In the page, use the class="category name" method to call:
14px size font
This method is relatively simple and flexible, and can be created and deleted at any time according to page needs.
8. Define the style of the linkFour pseudo-classes are used in CSS to define the style of the link, namely: a:link, a:visited, a:hover and a:active, for example:
a:link{font-weight : bold ;text-decoration : none ;color : #c00 ;}
a:visited {font-weight : bold ;text-decoration : none ;color : #c30 ;}
a:hover {font-weight : bold ;text-decoration : underline ;color : #f60 ;}
a:active {font-weight : bold ;text-decoration : none ;color : #F90 ;}
The above statements respectively define the styles of "links, visited links, when the mouse is over, and when the mouse is clicked". Note that you must write in the above order, otherwise the display may be different from what you expected. Remember they are in order "LVHA".
Haha, I feel a little dizzy after reading so much. In fact, there are many more grammatical specifications for CSS. Here are just some commonly used ones. After all, we are taking it step by step, and we cannot become fat in one bite:)
Introduction to CSS Layout
The biggest difference between CSS layout and traditional table layout is that: the original positioning is Tables are used to control the spacing of text layout sections through the spacing of the tables or colorless and transparent GIF images; now, layers (divs) are used for positioning, and the spacing between sections is controlled through the margin, padding, border and other attributes of the layer.
1. Define DIVAnalyze a typical definition div example:
#sample{ MARGIN: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
PADDING:20px 10px 10px 20px;
BORDER-TOP : #CCC 2px solid;
BORDER-RIGHT: #CCC 2px solid;
BORDER-BOTTOM: #CCC 2px solid;
BORDER-LEFT: #CCC 2px solid;
BACKGROUND: url(images /bg_poem.jpg) #FEFEFE no-repeat right bottom;
COLOR: #666;
TEXT-ALIGN: center;
LINE-HEIGHT: 150%; WIDTH:60%; }
The description is as follows:
The name of the layer is sample. You can call this style by usingThe following is the actual performance of this layer:
Demo content here, demo content here, demo content here, demo content here, demo content here, demo content here, demo content here, demo content here,
Here is the demo content, here is the demo content,
Here is the demo content, here is the demo content,
Here is the demo content...We can see that the border is 2px gray, the background image is not repeated in the lower right, the distance between the content and the left border is 20px, the content is centered, everything is as expected. Hoho, although it doesn’t look good, it is the most basic. If you master it, you will have learned half of the CSS layout technology. That’s it, it’s not difficult at all! (What is the other half? The other half is the positioning between layers. I will explain it step by step later.)
2. CSS2 box modelSince the launch of CSS1 in 1996, the W3C organization has recommended that all web pages The objects on are placed in a box, and designers can control the properties of this box by creating definitions. These objects include paragraphs, lists, titles, pictures, and layers
Use XHTML CSS layout, there is a technology that you are not used to at first, it should be said that One way of thinking is different from the traditional table layout, that is: all auxiliary pictures are implemented with backgrounds. Something like this:
BACKGROUND: url(images/bg_poem.jpg) #FEFEFE no-repeat right bottom;Although it is possible to use to be inserted directly into the content, this is not recommended. The "auxiliary pictures" here refer to pictures that are not part of the content to be expressed on the page, but are only used for decoration, interval, and reminder. For example: pictures in photo albums, pictures in picture news, and the 3D box model pictures above are all part of the content. They can be directly inserted into the page using the
element, while others are similar to logos, title pictures, and list prefixes. Images must be displayed using background or other CSS methods.
There are two reasons for this:
Completely separate presentation from structure (refer to reading another article: "Understanding the Separation of Presentation from Structure"), and use CSS to control all appearances. Easy to revise. Make the page more usable and friendly. For example, if a blind person uses a screen reader, pictures implemented using background technology will not be read aloud.