The most basic usage of importing thinkphp3.2 and phpexcel
Start with the most basic code. Once you understand this, the rest will be very simple$file_name= './Upload/excel/123456.xls';<br>
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5');<br>
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($file_name,$encode='utf-8');<br>
$sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0);<br>
$highestRow = $sheet->getHighestRow(); // 取得总行数<br>
$highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); // 取得总列数<br>
$s = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell("A2")->getValue();
Table content:
I’ll give you a little more difficulty and let’s talk about the idea first.
1. Upload the excel file and get its address
2. Write a function to process exl, that’s it
Example code demonstration: public function upload(){<br>
$files = $_FILES['exl'];<br>
// exl format, otherwise re-upload <br>
If($files['type'] !='application/'){<br>
$this->error('Not an Excel file, please re-upload');
// Upload<br>
$upload = new ThinkUpload(); // Instantiate upload class<br>
$ Upload-& gt; rootpath = './upload/'; // Set the attachment to upload the root directory <br>
$upload->savePath = 'excel/'; // Set attachment upload (sub) directory <br>
//$upload->subName = array('date', 'Ym');<br>
// Upload files <br>
$info = $upload->upload();<br>
$file_name = $upload->rootPath.$info['exl']['savepath'].$info['exl']['savename'];<br>
$exl = $this->import_exl($file_name);<br>
//Remove the first row in the exl table<br>
// Clean up empty arrays<br>
foreach($exl as $k=>$v){<br>
Unset ($ exl [$ k]); <br>
//Reorder<br> sort($exl);<br>
$count = count($exl);<br>
// After the test form is imported successfully, whether there is data generating <br>
If($count<1){<br />
$this->error('No valid data detected');
//Start combining data<br>
foreach($exl as $k=>$v){<br>
$goods[$k]['goods_sn'] = $v;<br>
// Query database
$where['goods_sn'] = array('like','%'.$v.'%');<br>
$res = M('goods')->where($where)->find();<br>
$goods[$k]['goods_name'] = $res['goods_name'];<br>
$goods[$k]['goods_thumb'] = $res['goods_thumb'];<br>
’ s being being matched successfully' s
$f = 1;<br>
-- // Matching failed <br>
// Instantiation data<br>
//Statistical results<br>
$total['count'] = $count;<br>
$total['success'] = $f;<br>
$total['error'] = $w;<br>
//Delete Excel file<br>
/* Process uploaded exl data<br>
* $file_name File path<br>
Public function import_exl($file_name){<br>
//$file_name= './Upload/excel/123456.xls';<br>
import("Org.Util.PHPExcel"); .Import("Org.Util.PHPExcel.IOFactory");<br>
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5');<br>
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($file_name,$encode='utf-8');<br>
$sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0);<br>
$highestRow = $sheet->getHighestRow(); // Get the total number of rows<br>
$highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn(); // Get the total number of columns <br>
for($i=1;$i<$highestRow 1;$i ){<br>
Return $data;
}<br>Perfect case of generating pictures with thinkphp3.2 and phpexcel<br> <br> Yunqi Conference Beijing Station: It is rare for Alibaba technical experts to appear on the scene. More than 100 people came this time? !