This article will teach you how to write an infinite classification step by step. In fact, the most important thing to master a piece of knowledge is to master the logic of infinite classification, then it will be much easier to write.
First look at the database table: xp_cate
Controller: CateAction.class.php
<?php class CateAction extends Action{ function index(){ $cate=M('Cate'); $list=$cate->field("id,name,pid,path,concat(path,'-',id) as bpath")->order('bpath')->select(); foreach($list as $key=>$value){ $list[$key]['count']=count(explode('-',$value['bpath'])); } $this->assign('alist',$list); $this->display(); }//添加栏目 function add(){ $cate=new CateModel();if($vo=$cate->create()){ if($cate->add()){ $this->success('添加栏目成功'); }else{ $this->error('添加栏目失败'); } }else{ $this->error($cate->getError()); } }} ?>
Model: CateModel.class.php
<?php class CateModel extends Model{//对应数据库中的表xp_cate protected $_auto=array( array('path','tclm',3,'callback'), );function tclm(){ $pid=isset($_POST['pid'])?(int)$_POST['pid']:0; echo ($pid); if($pid==0){ $data=0; }else{ $list=$this->where("id=$pid")->find(); $data=$list['path'].'-'.$list['id'];//子类的path为父类的path加上父类的id } return $data; } } ?>
Template: index.html
<form action="/Article/add" method="post"> 请选择父级栏目:<select name="pid" size="20"> <option value="0">根栏目</option> <volist name="alist" id="vo"> <option value="{$vo['id']}"> <for start="0" end="$vo['count']"> </for> {$vo['name']} </option> </volist> </select><br /> 新的栏目名称:<input type="text" name="name" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="添加栏目" /> </form>
The results are displayed as follows:
Have you mastered the logic of infinite classification? The thinkphp infinite classification code shared above, I hope it will be helpful to your study.