1. Trying to imitate a login program. This login form is on the home page. After successful login, it is required to use ajax on the home page to return the user name information (saved session value) without refreshing and automatically hide the form. Now it is true that user information can be returned through js, but as long as it is refreshed, the user information and form will be restored to their original state. How can it be maintained for a long time until the user clicks to log out or the session disappears?
2. I can see the returned user information through the xhr mode of F12. It can also be achieved through the append method and remove() of jquery. However, the problem is that the information does not exist and the form returns to its original state after refreshing.
2. Key code:
(1) IndexController.class.php:
<code>public function checkUser(){ //接收值 $userName=$_POST['username']; $userPass=$_POST['userpass']; //空值检测->function if(!trim($userName)){ return show(0,'用户名不能为空'); } if(!trim($userPass)){ return show(0,'密码不能为空'); } //对用户密码真实性进行检验->Model $res=D("Stuser")->getUser($userName); if(!$res['username']){ return show(0,'用户名不存在'); } //密码处理->function if($res['userpass']!=getMd5Pass($userPass)){ return show(0,'密码不正确'); } //echo $res['username']; //$_SESSION('username',$res); //设置session $_SESSION['username']=$res; //dump($username) ; //var_dump($username); return show(1,'登录成功',$this->getSessionNames()); } //判断session情况->index public function getSessionNames(){ if($_SESSION['username']['username']){ $username = $_SESSION['username']['username']; //$a=$this->ajaxReturn($username); //$this->assign('username',$username); return $username; } }请输入代码</code>
<code>function show($status,$message,$data=array()){ $result=array( 'status' => $status, 'message' => $message, 'data' => $data, ); //JSON编码数据 exit(json_encode($result)); }请输入代码</code>
(3) login.js
<code>var login = { checkUser : function() { //获取登录页面中的用户名、密码 var userName=$('input[name="username"]').val(); var userPass=$('input[name="userpass"]').val(); if(!userName) { dialog.error("用户名不能为空"); } if(!userPass) { dialog.error("密码不能为空"); } var url="/stfjzd-12/index.php/Home/Index/checkUser"; var data={'username':userName,'userpass':userPass}; //执行异步请求 $.post(url,data,function(result){ if(result.status==0) { return dialog.error(result.message); } if(result.status==1) { if(data!=""){ //alert(data.username); $('#index_form2').remove(); $('#test').append(data.username); } return dialog.success(result.message,"/stfjzd-12/index.php/Home/Index/checkUser"); //alert(result.data['username']) ; } },'JSON'); } }请输入代码</code>
1. Trying to imitate a login program. This login form is on the home page. After successful login, it is required to use ajax on the home page to return the user name information (saved session value) without refreshing and automatically hide the form. Now it is true that user information can be returned through js, but as long as it is refreshed, the user information and form will be restored to their original state. How can it be maintained for a long time until the user clicks to log out or the session disappears?
2. I can see the returned user information through the xhr mode of F12. It can also be achieved through the append method and remove() of jquery. However, the problem is that the information does not exist and the form returns to its original state after refreshing.
2. Key code:
(1) IndexController.class.php:
<code>public function checkUser(){ //接收值 $userName=$_POST['username']; $userPass=$_POST['userpass']; //空值检测->function if(!trim($userName)){ return show(0,'用户名不能为空'); } if(!trim($userPass)){ return show(0,'密码不能为空'); } //对用户密码真实性进行检验->Model $res=D("Stuser")->getUser($userName); if(!$res['username']){ return show(0,'用户名不存在'); } //密码处理->function if($res['userpass']!=getMd5Pass($userPass)){ return show(0,'密码不正确'); } //echo $res['username']; //$_SESSION('username',$res); //设置session $_SESSION['username']=$res; //dump($username) ; //var_dump($username); return show(1,'登录成功',$this->getSessionNames()); } //判断session情况->index public function getSessionNames(){ if($_SESSION['username']['username']){ $username = $_SESSION['username']['username']; //$a=$this->ajaxReturn($username); //$this->assign('username',$username); return $username; } }请输入代码</code>
<code>function show($status,$message,$data=array()){ $result=array( 'status' => $status, 'message' => $message, 'data' => $data, ); //JSON编码数据 exit(json_encode($result)); }请输入代码</code>
(3) login.js
<code>var login = { checkUser : function() { //获取登录页面中的用户名、密码 var userName=$('input[name="username"]').val(); var userPass=$('input[name="userpass"]').val(); if(!userName) { dialog.error("用户名不能为空"); } if(!userPass) { dialog.error("密码不能为空"); } var url="/stfjzd-12/index.php/Home/Index/checkUser"; var data={'username':userName,'userpass':userPass}; //执行异步请求 $.post(url,data,function(result){ if(result.status==0) { return dialog.error(result.message); } if(result.status==1) { if(data!=""){ //alert(data.username); $('#index_form2').remove(); $('#test').append(data.username); } return dialog.success(result.message,"/stfjzd-12/index.php/Home/Index/checkUser"); //alert(result.data['username']) ; } },'JSON'); } }请输入代码</code>
If you write it in TP and use {$Think.session.username} in the template, the refresh through js assignment will definitely be gone
Just create a hidden field on the page to put the information. The session information on the page will only be requested after you log in successfully. Refreshing the page will not trigger the request
<code>public function index(){ //你显示页面的函数 $user=$this->getSessionNames(); $this->assing('user',$user); ... }</code>
<code>//index.html <script> $(function(){ var username="{{$user}}"; if(username != ""){ $('#index_form2').remove(); $('#test').append(username); } }) </script></code>
<code> //login.js</code>
The poster’s question doesn’t seem to be difficult at all! Just make the form where you store user information dynamic, as follows:
<code>//这个是php的处理代码块 if($this->chen_user()) { //这个是验证是否登陆成功 $_SESSION['username'] = $username; //这里把用户信息存入session $_SESSION['sex] = $sex; } //这个是前端显示的 <?php if($_SESSION['username']) { ?> 如果session中有username的值就输出用户信息 没有就不输出 <td>姓名</td><td><?php echo $_SESSION['username'];?></td> <?php } ?></code>
Do you think this is the case?