<code>html: <div id='p'> <div id='c'></div> </div> css: #p {width:300px;height:300px;border:1px solid blue;} #c {width:30px;height:30px;background-color:red;} js: var p=document.getElementById('p'); var c=document.getElementById('c'); registerParentEvent(); registerChildEvent(); // 注册父元素事件 function registerParentEvent(){ p.addEventListener('mousedown',function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); console.log('你点击了父元素'); },false); window.addEventListener('mouseup',function(){ console.log('你离开了父元素!'); },false); } // 注册子元素事件 function registerChildEvent(){ c.addEventListener('mousedown',function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); console.log('你点击了子元素'); },false); window.addEventListener('mouseup',function(){ console.log('你离开了子元素!'); },false); } </code>
After releasing the mouse on the parent element, the prompt:
You have left the parent element!
You left the child element!
After releasing the mouse on the child element, the prompt:
You have left the parent element!
You left the child element!
Since the mouseup event is registered on the window, the effect I need is to make it distinguishable. When the mouse clicks on the parent element, what is triggered is the content matching the parent element. When the child element is clicked , what is triggered is the content matching the child element.
<code>html: <div id='p'> <div id='c'></div> </div> css: #p {width:300px;height:300px;border:1px solid blue;} #c {width:30px;height:30px;background-color:red;} js: var p=document.getElementById('p'); var c=document.getElementById('c'); registerParentEvent(); registerChildEvent(); // 注册父元素事件 function registerParentEvent(){ p.addEventListener('mousedown',function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); console.log('你点击了父元素'); },false); window.addEventListener('mouseup',function(){ console.log('你离开了父元素!'); },false); } // 注册子元素事件 function registerChildEvent(){ c.addEventListener('mousedown',function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); console.log('你点击了子元素'); },false); window.addEventListener('mouseup',function(){ console.log('你离开了子元素!'); },false); } </code>
After releasing the mouse on the parent element, the prompt:
You have left the parent element!
You left the child element!
After releasing the mouse on the child element, the prompt:
You have left the parent element!
You left the child element!
Since the mouseup event is registered on the window, the effect I need is to make it distinguishable. When the mouse clicks on the parent element, what is triggered is the content matching the parent element. When the child element is clicked , what is triggered is the content matching the child element.
window only needs to be bound once, and the event triggerer can be determined by event.target
<code>window.addEventListener('mouseup',function(e){ console.log('你离开了: ' + e.target.id); },false);</code>
Conventional writing:
<code>p.addEventListener('mousedown',function down(e){ window.addEventListener('mouseup',function up(){ window.removeEventListener('mouseup', up); //p=>up }); //p=>down });</code>