When writing recursive functions, you can consider caching and defining some static variables to store the results of the previous run. This is very helpful for multi-program running efficiency.
The approximate steps are as follows:
step1: Get data from the database and put it into an array,
step2: Convert the data into a tree-shaped array,
step3: Convert this tree-shaped array into html code.
You can also combine the second and third steps into one step.
Details are as follows:
1. Database design:
CREATE TABLE `bg_cate` ( `cate_Id` int(30) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `cate_ParentId` int(30) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `cate_Name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `cate_Intro` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL, `cate_Order` int(30) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `cate_Icon` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cate_Id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=34 ; -- -- 导出表中的数据 `bg_cate` -- INSERT INTO `bg_cate` (`cate_Id`, `cate_ParentId`, `cate_Name`, `cate_Intro`, `cate_Order`, `cate_Icon`) VALUES (4, 0, '往事如风', '记录往事', 0, 'icons/6.gif'), (5, 0, '水煮三国', '品位三国智慧', 0, 'icons/3.gif'), (2, 0, '技术学习', '平时学习的一些笔记,欢迎批评指正。', 0, 'icons/18.gif'), (3, 0, '生活点滴', '记录生活点滴', 0, 'icons/2.gif'), (6, 0, '栀子花开', '青春无限', 0, 'icons/8.gif'), (7, 0, '假日休闲', '悠闲、自在', 0, 'icons/24.gif'), (8, 2, 'html', 'html学习', 0, 'icons/1.gif'), (9, 2, 'css', 'css学习', 0, 'icons/1.gif'), (10, 2, 'php', 'php学习', 0, 'icons/18.gif'), (11, 10, 'php基础知识', 'php基础知识', 0, 'icons/1.gif'), (12, 10, 'oop', 'oop', 0, 'icons/1.gif'), (13, 10, 'php安全', '讲述php安全', 0, 'icons/1.gif'), (14, 10, 'seagull framework', 'seagull framework', 0, 'icons/1.gif'), (15, 2, 'javascript', 'javascript学习', 0, 'icons/1.gif'), (16, 2, '设计模式', NULL, 0, 'icons/1.gif'), (17, 2, '软件工程', '软件工程学习', 0, 'icons/1.gif'), (18, 3, '厦门生活', '厦门生活', 0, 'icons/8.gif'), (19, 3, '大学生活', '大学生活', 0, 'icons/8.gif'), (20, 3, '童年生活', '童年生活', 0, 'icons/15.gif'), (21, 19, '学习', '学习', 0, 'icons/1.gif'), (22, 19, '运动', '运动', 0, 'icons/16.gif'), (23, 19, '旅游', '旅游', 0, 'icons/24.gif'), (24, 22, '排球', '排球', 0, 'icons/9.gif'), (25, 22, '篮球', '篮球', 0, 'icons/9.gif'), (26, 22, '羽毛球', '羽毛球', 0, 'icons/9.gif'), (27, 22, '乒乓球', '乒乓球', 0, 'icons/9.gif');
2. Get the data from the database and put it into the array:
require_once './classes/MyDB.php'; $con = MyDB::singleton(); $sql = <<<SQL select * from bg_cate cate SQL; $data = $con->getAll($sql); //print_r($data);
I use the pear class library for database operations. The final data format of $data is as follows:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [cate_Id] => 4 [cate_ParentId] => 0 [cate_Name] => 往事如风 [cate_Intro] => 记录往事 [cate_Order] => 0 [cate_Icon] => icons/6.gif ) [1] => Array ( [cate_Id] => 5 [cate_ParentId] => 0 [cate_Name] => 水煮三国 [cate_Intro] => 品位三国智慧 [cate_Order] => 0 [cate_Icon] => icons/3.gif )
3. The code to convert the data in the previous step into a tree-shaped array is as follows:
function getTree($data, $pId) { $tree = ''; foreach($data as $k => $v) { if($v['cate_ParentId'] == $pId) { //父亲找到儿子 $v['cate_ParentId'] = getTree($data, $v['cate_Id']); $tree[] = $v; //unset($data[$k]); } } return $tree; } $tree = getTree($data, 0);
The final output data format of $tree is:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [cate_Id] => 4 [cate_ParentId] => [cate_Name] => 往事如风 [cate_Intro] => 记录往事 [cate_Order] => 0 [cate_Icon] => icons/6.gif ) [1] => Array ( [cate_Id] => 5 [cate_ParentId] => [cate_Name] => 水煮三国 [cate_Intro] => 品位三国智慧 [cate_Order] => 0 [cate_Icon] => icons/3.gif ) [2] => Array ( [cate_Id] => 2 [cate_ParentId] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [cate_Id] => 8 [cate_ParentId] => [cate_Name] => html [cate_Intro] => html学习 [cate_Order] => 0 [cate_Icon] => icons/1.gif )
4. Convert the tree array to html code as follows:
function procHtml($tree) { $html = ''; foreach($tree as $t) { if($t['cate_ParentId'] == '') { $html .= "<li>{$t['cate_Name']}</li>"; } else { $html .= "<li>".$t['cate_Name']; $html .= procHtml($t['cate_ParentId']); $html = $html."</li>"; } } return $html ? '<ul>'.$html.'</ul>' : $html ; } echo procHtml($tree); 输出的html的代码格式为: <ul> <li>往事如风</li> <li>水煮三国</li> <li>技术学习 <ul> <li>html</li> <li>css</li> <li>php <ul> <li>php基础知识</li> <li>oop</li> <li>php安全</li>
5. You can also combine the codes in steps 3 and 4. The code is as follows:
function getTree($data, $pId) { $html = ''; foreach($data as $k => $v) { if($v['cate_ParentId'] == $pId) { //父亲找到儿子 $html .= "<li>".$v['cate_Name']; $html .= getTree($data, $v['cate_Id']); $html = $html."</li>"; } } return $html ? '<ul>'.$html.'</ul>' : $html ; } echo getTree($data, 0);
6. Finally add some css style, the effect is as follows:
The whole process is very clear and very suitable for friends who are creating an infinite tree for the first time. I hope everyone will gain something.