You need to query the database, but the fields and field values are passed from the client, so the sql statement is written like this
<code>$sql="select id from goods_type_attr where :field=:value and type_id=:type_id"; $this->stmt=$this->pdo->prepare($sql); $this->stmt->execute($arr); </code>
But the field name field was also processed in the end, and the result should be selecte ·· from xx where 'field'=····
is ' Instead of `, so no result can be found. How can I bind a field name?
Thank you everyone
You need to query the database, but the fields and field values are passed from the client, so the sql statement is written like this
<code>$sql="select id from goods_type_attr where :field=:value and type_id=:type_id"; $this->stmt=$this->pdo->prepare($sql); $this->stmt->execute($arr); </code>
But the field name field was also processed in the end, and the result should be selecte ·· from xx where 'field'=····
is ' Instead of `, so no results can be found. How can I bind a field name?
Thank you everyone
Why should it be handled this way?
can define an array, such as
<code>$field = [ 'name' => 'name', 'type' => 'type' ]; $field = $field[$_GET['field']];</code>
There will be no injection this way
I personally suggest that you process all the fields you want to change separately and treat them as a variable assignment, and set both the fields and values to preprocessing form PDO
It seems unrecognizable
$sql="select id from goods_type_attr where #field1#=:value and type_id=:type_id"; $sql = str_replace("#field1#", $param_field, $sql); $this->stmt=$this->pdo->prepare($sql); $this->stmt->execute($arr);
Khan, you are too rigid. The field names are processed separately, such as
<code>$field = str_replace('`', '', $field); $sql = "... `{$field}` = :fieldValue";</code>
In fact, usually the client cannot directly pass the field name, which is more dangerous. It is best to use the drop-down box to select and process it in the background, such as
<code>$useableFields = array('f1', 'f2', 'f3'); if (isset($useableFields['request_field_number'])) $selectedField = $useableFields['request_field_number']; else $selectedField = false;</code>
Binding can only bind values, and field names must be handled by yourself