curl under different IPs: rpc service response time 0.005 seconds
<code>PHPRPC Client 3.0 for PHP" - 200 0.005 </code>
curl under the same IP: rpc service response time 0.610 seconds
<code>PHPRPC Client 3.0 for PHP" - 200 0.610 </code>
curl under different IPs: rpc service response time 0.005 seconds
<code>PHPRPC Client 3.0 for PHP" - 200 0.005 </code>
curl under the same IP: rpc service response time 0.610 seconds
<code>PHPRPC Client 3.0 for PHP" - 200 0.610 </code>
I copied the answer to a question I answered before. Let’s check the specific time consumption first and then optimize it accordingly, right?
Use the CRUL command to simply analyze the time taken by request details
curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code}:%{time_namelookup}:%{time_redirect}:%{time_pretransfer}:%{time_connect}:%{time_starttransfer}:%{time_total}:% {speed_download}
This example is to analyze various parameters of a Baidu request: http status code, DNS resolution time, redirection time, time from start to preparation for transmission, TCP connection time, start transmission time, Total time, download speed!
For details, please see the CURL documentation: