Learn thinkPHP and use D method, why call Common/Model instead of Home/Model?
Externally called function:
<code>namespace Home\Controller; use Think\Controller; public function model_D() { $stmt=D('shop'); $stmt->say(); }</code>
Two types of files:
<code>被调用的是这个: C:\AppServ\www\yb1\yangbins\Common\Model\shopModel.class.php <?php namespace Common\Model; use Think\Model; class shopModel extends Model { function say() { echo 'i am in namespace Common\Model <br>()'; } } </code>
<code>为什么不是这个? C:\AppServ\www\yb1\yangbins\Home\Model\shopModel.class.php <?php namespace Home\Model; use Think\Model; class shopModel extends Model { function say() { echo 'i am in namespace Home\Model <br>'; } }</code>
Learn thinkPHP and use D method, why call Common/Model instead of Home/Model?
Externally called function:
<code>namespace Home\Controller; use Think\Controller; public function model_D() { $stmt=D('shop'); $stmt->say(); }</code>
Two types of files:
<code>被调用的是这个: C:\AppServ\www\yb1\yangbins\Common\Model\shopModel.class.php <?php namespace Common\Model; use Think\Model; class shopModel extends Model { function say() { echo 'i am in namespace Common\Model <br>()'; } } </code>
<code>为什么不是这个? C:\AppServ\www\yb1\yangbins\Home\Model\shopModel.class.php <?php namespace Home\Model; use Think\Model; class shopModel extends Model { function say() { echo 'i am in namespace Home\Model <br>'; } }</code>
Using the D method, the class will not be found according to the path specified by the namespace.
D method is to load the first found Class according to priority, and the order starts from comon.
There are two ways to solve your problem.
<code>$model = D("Home/Shop");</code>
Use command space
<code>use Home\Model\shopModel; $model = new shopModel();</code>
Shouldn’t external calls specify use HomeModelshop