The same code
Uploading normally under
Under, the same code, getting the token through and uploading error: "token not specified"
Uptoken under uptoken_func returns a null value before being assigned a value by the data called back by ajax, so the token is empty when uploading
<code> var qiniu_up = qiniu.uploader({ runtimes : 'html5,flash,html4', browse_button : 'qiniu_browse', get_new_uptoken: true, unique_names: false, save_key : true, domain : '<?php echo QINIU_BUCKET_SITE;?>', container : 'container', max_file_size: '4mb', flash_swf_url : '<?php echo RES_ROOT.'/assets/js/plupload/Moxie.swf';?>', silverlight_xap_url : '<?php echo RES_ROOT.'/assets/js/plupload/Moxie.xap';?>', max_retries: 1, dragdrop: false, drop_element : 'container', chunk_size : '4mb', auto_start: false, /*不开启自动上传*/ multi_selection: false, /*设置为只能选择单个文件*/ filters : { mime_types : [{title : 'Image files', extensions : 'jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp'},{title : 'Voice files', extensions : 'mp3,wav'}] }, init : { }, uptoken_func: function(file){ var uptoken = ''; var media_info = '[{"directory": "1","directory_class": "","up_file_name": "''","media_type": "1"}]'; $.ajax({ type : "post", async : false, /*必须使用同步*/ url : '<?php echo WEBSITE_URL.'/qiniu_upload/media_uptoken';?>', data : { app_version : '1.0', app_target : 3, sdk_version : '1.0', plat : 'other', media_info : media_info }, dataType : "jsonp", jsonp: "jsonpCallback", success : function(data){ if(data.code == '1') { var list =; uptoken = list[0]['uptoken']; media_id = list[0]['media_id']; } else { alert(data.message); } }, error : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ } }); return uptoken; } }); </code>
The same code
Uploading normally under
Under, the same code, getting the token through and uploading error: "token not specified"
Uptoken under uptoken_func returns a null value before being assigned a value by the data called back by ajax, so the token is empty when uploading
<code> var qiniu_up = qiniu.uploader({ runtimes : 'html5,flash,html4', browse_button : 'qiniu_browse', get_new_uptoken: true, unique_names: false, save_key : true, domain : '<?php echo QINIU_BUCKET_SITE;?>', container : 'container', max_file_size: '4mb', flash_swf_url : '<?php echo RES_ROOT.'/assets/js/plupload/Moxie.swf';?>', silverlight_xap_url : '<?php echo RES_ROOT.'/assets/js/plupload/Moxie.xap';?>', max_retries: 1, dragdrop: false, drop_element : 'container', chunk_size : '4mb', auto_start: false, /*不开启自动上传*/ multi_selection: false, /*设置为只能选择单个文件*/ filters : { mime_types : [{title : 'Image files', extensions : 'jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp'},{title : 'Voice files', extensions : 'mp3,wav'}] }, init : { }, uptoken_func: function(file){ var uptoken = ''; var media_info = '[{"directory": "1","directory_class": "","up_file_name": "''","media_type": "1"}]'; $.ajax({ type : "post", async : false, /*必须使用同步*/ url : '<?php echo WEBSITE_URL.'/qiniu_upload/media_uptoken';?>', data : { app_version : '1.0', app_target : 3, sdk_version : '1.0', plat : 'other', media_info : media_info }, dataType : "jsonp", jsonp: "jsonpCallback", success : function(data){ if(data.code == '1') { var list =; uptoken = list[0]['uptoken']; media_id = list[0]['media_id']; } else { alert(data.message); } }, error : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ } }); return uptoken; } }); </code>
It seems that the poster’s code is uploading files to Qiniu CDN
Regarding the token problem, the poster can check whether it is a JS cross-domain issue. You can also look at Qiniu’s development documents or contact Qiniu’s technical staff. Adjust it
After the ajax under uptoken_func cross-domain, its running order has changed. All programs have been executed before the uptoken under success is assigned a value, so the uploaded uptoken is empty