Recently I have not been able to write new essays due to being busy with the midterm and final exams. In addition, I am also struggling with whether to take the postgraduate entrance examination, until Yesterday I finally made up my mind and suddenly felt enlightened.
Since the thinkPHP framework is frequently used in course design assignments given by teachers, the recent essays will all focus on the use of the thinkPHP framework. Well, without further ado, here is the practical information.
This article will focus on the two functions of adding data to the database and displaying it on the web page using the thinkPHP framework.
Purpose: After adding data to the add page, display it on the lists page (Note: Since the thinkPHP framework has occupied the list field, naming methods such as "list.html" must not be used when naming files)
Expected page:
The next is the M mode part. My current understanding of this part is to seriously add the legality of data and give error prompts. The implementation code is as follows:
<?<span>php namespace Admin\Model; </span><span>use</span><span> Think\Model; </span><span>class</span> AdminUsersModel <span>extends</span><span> Model { </span><span>public</span> <span>$_validate</span> = <span>array</span><span> ( </span><span>array</span>("username", "require", "用户名不能为空"), <span>array</span>("realname", "require", "真实姓名不能为空"), <span>array</span>("password", "require", "密码不能为空"), <span>array</span>("repassword", "require", "确认密码不能为空"), <span>array</span>("telphone", "require", "电话不能为空"), <span>array</span>("email", "require", "邮箱不能为空"), <span>array</span>("resgistertime", "require", "注册时间不能为空"<span>) ); }</span>
The last is the pure logic C controller part. The implementation code is as follows:
<span>public</span> <span>function</span><span> add(){ </span><span>$this</span>-><span>display(); } </span><span>public</span> <span>function</span><span> doAdd(){ </span><span>if</span> (!<span>IS_POST) { </span><span>exit</span>("bad request!"<span>); } </span><span>$adminUsersModel</span> = D("AdminUsers"<span>); </span><span>if</span> (!<span>$adminUsersModel</span>-><span>create()) { </span><span>$this</span>->error(<span>$adminUsersModel</span>-><span>getError()); } </span><span>if</span> (<span>$adminUsersModel</span>-><span>add()) { </span><span>$this</span>->success("添加成功!",U("Admin/User/lists"<span>)); } </span><span>else</span><span>{ </span><span>$this</span>->error("添加失败!"<span>); } }</span>
The above is the entire implementation process.
Friendly link thinkPHP reference manual: